OWI: Dark Magus of the Modern Age

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With the few votes I received, this was the one with the most. Don't know if any of you wanted the other one, but you'll have to wait for it. Sorry. Anywho, here we go.

Gudako POV

Everything was dark. Which would be normal, except for the fact she wasn't asleep. But she had a feeling she wasn't awake either.

'A dream, maybe?' Mused Gudako to herself. Ever sense her encounter with 'Death' -who she still was a little angry at- she had been filled with panic over these 'worlds' that he had apparently made.

Romani hadn't seen anything remotely close to what she described, and ever sense the anomaly nothing new had popped up. At least, till now.

Gudako blinked, and she wasn't in the darkness any more. She was suddenly in the hallways of Chaldea, a place she was very familiar with. Although, she couldn't seem to move. It was like she wasn't even their. And what's more, something felt... off. The hallways seemed quite, and were far to empty for the servant filled Chaldea she was accustomed to.

She was brought out of her thoughts when a figure ran past. Her whole body suddenly started to follow the figure. 'I'm going to say yes to a dream'

The figure was dressed like some sort of security guard, but they looked more like a soldier with the helmet they wore, and the weapons strapped across their back. The figure slowed down and entered a room she was all to familiar with. Yet, the room she saw could be something completely different. It was the Chaldeas.

There were more of those strange guards in the room, all of them examining chaldeas and possibly securing it for... something. But what made Gudako's blood run cold, were the dead bodies. And all of them were wearing Chaldea uniforms. The guards were putting them in bags, and piling them together. Before Gudako could process the sight before her, another door opened.

From this one, emerged heavily armed guards, holding something akin to... shock swords? It was hard to describe, but she wasn't focusing on that. Rather, it was the person they were surrounding. She could tell they were a he, but other than that she couldn't see anything about them. This was because the man's entire body was seemingly blotched out, almost like a static. She could really only see the shape of his body.

One of the guards already in the room approached him. They were better dressed than the other guards, and looked more important. When the man spoke his voice came out... wrong. "AhhHh sO ThE MIssIon wAs a SUccESs I TaKE?"

The guard nodded in response. The man began walking towards chaldeas, and looked towards the amassing pile of bodies. "DiD yOU mAkE sURe aLl tHe CAmEraS WeRe WIpEd? I Don'T wANt aNY MaGUs fAMilIEs cOMIng afTEr uS. iT wOUld bE SuCh a HASslE tO dEaL WiTh." The guard nodded once more. The man was now standing in front of Chaldeas. He turned and began walking back to the door, talking to the guard. "I WaNt ThAt iN oUr LaB bY tHE wEEkS eNd. Do YoU UndERstAnD?" The guard nodded.

"GoOD GoOd!" The man let out a laugh, warped just like his speech. "I JusT LoVe iT wHeN a PLan CoMEs toGeTHeR."








Gudako shot up with a start, breathing heavily. She looked around, only to see her room. She started taking slow breaths.

'It was...... just a dream......'



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