Characters [B2]

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Trigger Warning for content ahead.

Cartman, Eric.

Eric plays a big part of this AU, while he commits various crimes and getting away with it, his friends aren't afraid to speak the truth in his nasty behavior. Eric has little respect towards others and believes in his authority, picking mainly on smaller kids to prove his domain. He's stout and fat, smaller than what he should be. While on the run from his rivals, he proceeds to engage his bad behavior around public like the genes from his family tree. Cartman has affected multiple lives, including his EX girlfriends life, Heidi, who was a nice girl who turned twisted because of Eric. He's the cause of death of a young woman named 'Shelly Marsh'. [ Origin : While on the run from Stan's dog, Sparky, he encounters Shelly carefully crossing the street. A car was upcoming. Without hesitation, Eric had pushed Shelly onto the street, leaving her to get hit by the speeding car. No presses were made upon Cartman, but presses were charged against the clueless driver. ] Basic info : He/Him, Straight and homophobic, 10 years old. +

Marsh, Stan.

Stan is a joyful character who tries to help his friends when in need. Although that he suffers through a-lot, mainly his dad being a drunk dick and his sisters death, he still manages to slip a smile through the past. He's a regular kid who pretends like he understands a word his friends say. Believing he's in his own reality, Stan may end up one day like his father, a constantly drunk bastard who does nothing but bitch around. Stan has a mean attitude at first but can turn out as a nice person. Stan has a girlfriend named Wendy, thoough, sometimes things may not work out fine for the two of them. Stan is 'part-famous' in his town. [ Origin : When walking back home from school, an armed robbery were being preformed in his local shop, Stan couldn't do anything but quickly attacked the armed men with a sharp shard of broken glass, puncturing their livers. After his face was revealed over the towns news, he became 'part-famous' for what he'd done. ] Basic info : He/Him, Straight, 10 years old. +

Broflovski, Kyle.

Kyle is a mysterious child. He comes from a  loving Jewish family who Cartman revealed he hated. Knowing his father had been the one and only 'Skankhunt47', those times had passed and Kyle could forgive his father in his own way. With his kindness and bravery, he believed he could do anything (that did NOT involve Cartman). Although Kyle get's constantly picked on by Eric for being a Jew, Kyle chooses to ignore Cartman's 'way' and tries hard not to call the fat boy fatherless. Kyle has adventured a-lot, from being a asexual kite to being a normal boy, he finds his life 'simple' and 'easy'. His brother, Ike, has a strong brotherly bond with Kyle, regularly watching TV together to keep their bond strong. With a scar that reached down his torso to his leg, Kyle suffers through immense pain from time to time. [ Origin : Cartman, Kyle, Stan and Kenny had been talking about the new console that had just released. Clueless and ignoring all the 'WARNING' signs that had been implanted into the ground, a sharp knife had slit a deep scar down Kyles back. Kyle soon fainted from the immense pain that shot through his body, none of his friends had bothered to help him and ran off in their own fear. ] Basic info : He/They, Straight, 10 years old.+

McCormick, Kenneth, "Kenny".

Kenny is a quiet child. He wears the same old bright, orange hoodie everyday, no ways to wash the putrid smell that reeked from the clothing. With the same old tired eyes that he carried everywhere, Kenny is different. Every-time Kenny 'dies', he wakes up in his bed. No one even looked at him strange the next day. With his immortal abilities, Kenny is able to survive outstanding dangerous events anywhere, and live the next day. He believes he was gifted this ability because he doesn't just care for himself, he cares for his family. Kenny claims to be 'super best-friends' with a boy named Butters. Kenny comes from a poor family, living in a rat infested house, and a domestic abusive father and mother. No matter what, women always come first in his life. His hoodie that he constantly wore everyday muffled his words, no one else could properly hear him except for his 4 friends, Butters, Kyle, Stan and Cartman. Trying his best to save his family, Kenny may at some points work at low-paying jobs to afford food for his family. With his rude but nice attitude, he is a easily likeable person. Basic info : He/Him, Straight, 10 years old.+

Stotch, Leopold, "Butters".

Butters is an energetic and wholesome child. He comes from a very strict family who has the father, named Stephan Stotch, who had a very rough past with his mother. Butters has his own evil side, Professor Chaos, where he causes chaos upon the town when playing with his friends after school. With his small jokes and energetic behavior, Butters may get anxiety when dealing with simple tasks. Butters has a scar on the skin of his left eye. [ Origin : When playing superheroes and villain's with his friends, Butters played a part of 'Professor Chaos' with his chaotic abilities. Kenny soon threw a sharp ninja star right at butters, hitting his left eye, causing Butters to scream. Butters felt dizzy and cried for his mother and father. After going through a-lot and getting the help he needed, a deep scar was left across his eye, and his pupil seemed dull after the incident. ] Butters has loving yet strict parents, which include a homosexual father and a caring mother. Basic info : He/They, Questioning, 9 years old.+

These are the only characters revealed for now, when more chapters get released more character profiles get revealed!

Not every character will be gay, lesbian, pansexual, etc. Remember that they are kids. I am fully supportive of people coming out at ANY AGE, it's just that sometimes it won't flow with everyone. What I mean is, I'm scared of getting attacked. Some sexuality's will be changing in the story, so do not worry.

I will ONLY be shipping CANON ships, ( e.g. ; Tweek x Craig and MAYBE Wendy x Stan. ) I will not be shipping Heidi x Cartman as it's a toxic relationship/ship and no one should support it.

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