||Why can't there be an 'us'?||

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Reggie knew that Jughead was with Archie. Did it stop him from falling for him? No, not really. He knew that he didn't treat Jughead right, especially those past years of High School. He didn't deserve that he bullied him. But people can't find out that he was gay. So, he chose to make sure that Jughead would in no way continue to hang out with him.

He destroyed their start of a friendship.

But then Archie came in the picture. Archie Andrews, who was hot and amazing and had red hair that Jughead loved to drive his hand through.

So, Reggie may have tried to flirt with Jughead again. But nothing had worked up until this point, which was disappointing. Jughead probably didn't even notice that he was doing it. Archie noticed though, always shooting him looks and eyeing him.

The class trip was his chance of making things right between them, hopefully.

Archie enjoyed the class trip. Jughead and he were sleeping in one room, shared a bed over night when they knew that no one would be looking, they watched movies to no end one night, causing them to fall asleep in the middle of the next day.

Today would be different though.

They were going hiking. Hiking in the mountains, to make the class spirit stronger or something like that. Archie didn't hate that, he liked hiking.

Jughead, however, did not, not at all. He became sweaty, he couldn't breathe, and he was afraid of heights. So that was a really good thing happening. To top it all off, Reggie was coming with them as well, of course. So now Archie had to worry about Reggie flirting with his boyfriend but also about calming down Jughead, so he wouldn't have a panic attack.

They weren't that far yet, only a few minutes into the hiking tour, but already now, Jughead held onto his hand and squeezed it. Archie always reassured him that it was okay, nothing is going to happen but that didn't really help, so by now he only gave a light squeeze back, hoping it would be enough to calm his boyfriend.

It's not like Jughead would be the person to say when he's on the verge of a panic attack. He never told Archie, Archie noticed those by Jughead's shaking body and the shortness of breath.

"Hey, I'll ask the teacher to take a break, okay?" he asked, giving his hand a squeeze. Jughead just gave him a small hum. Archie nodded, letting go of him before jogging off to the front. A minute later or so, he was back with Jughead, holding his hand, explaining that they would stop at the next clearing - or whatever place that would be good for taking a break. Once their teacher found a good place, they stopped and most of their classmates just let themselves fall down on the ground, while Archie pulled Jughead aside from them. Jughead sat down as well, learning on the rock and trying to take deep breathes. He looked around, his eyes trailing off to the distance. Archie cupped his face, making him look at him.

"Hey, Jughead, I'm here. Jughead" he looked at him "Jug, babe, I'm here, you're save, don't worry. Just breathe, okay? You can do this, just breathe" he shook his head "yes, you can, Jug. Look at me, not anywhere else, just at me, okay? Everything is okay, you're okay, you hear me?" he nodded "good, now just breathe. Breathe with me, okay?" Archie asked, breathing slowly, Jughead trying to follow along.

"That's good, just continue like this, okay?" Archie said and Jughead just nodded, swallowing "You're doing good, Jug. Just continue like that" he nodded, though then slid down on the ground. The redhead sighed, kneeing down in order to be on the same level as his boyfriend "Jug, look at me, I'm right here. You are okay" Jughead nodded and he rubbed his knee, something he knew that calmed him.

"I can't-"

"Yes, you can. Come on, we already have more than half of it. I'm always by your side. Now it's just a bit higher and then we go down already"

Jeggie OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now