outro: white

296 14 35

started: 24-12-21, 01:30
finished: 26-12-21, 23:13

welcome to episode 696969 of 'alex had a random idea while dealing with his extremely volatile, extremely annoying stomach issues and therefore decided to wake up at like 1am and write it'!

this is the shortest non oneshot i've ever written, as you can tell by the 2-day writing period. and if you're still here, it means you probably kinda sorta liked it. hi. hello. bonjour. 你好. selamat sejahtera. 안녕하세요. こんにちは. ciao. hallo. *insert me flexing my linguistic capibilities here*

sooo. yeah. this is my first time (kinda) writing about a toxic relationship, because like, i specialise in sweet fluffy happy feel-good stuff---(okay, fine. i specialise in angst. with a capital A.) this is also my first time actually finishing a kpop fanfic? cause like, i've published a couple of BTS fanfics before, but i took them all down lmao.

(yes, i ship Sookai. Yeonbin shippers, DEAL WITH IT.) (no like fr you have no idea how many times Yeonbin shippers have gone on youtube like "oh no yeonbin is the superior ship uwu they're so much better they have so many more moments sookai sucks" SHUT UP AND LET ME respectfully ofc SHIP WHAT I WANNA SHIP. CRY ABOUT IT.)

you're probably wanting to know, did Soobin die, or did he just sit in the bathtub and take a drink? to answer your question, that's completely up to reader interpretation :) i purposely left it as ambigious as possible and dropped in the whole whiskey montage for that very reason :)))

i said this in the intro, but like, this is NOT a reflection of the boys (TXT) themselves. this is basically just like, fiction but using TXT as characters. which is why it's called fanfiction. Soobin is not a jealous, insecure murderer in real life. and he and Hueningkai are not in a toxic, kinda emotionally abusive relationship irl either. (let's be real here: if those two were ever in a relationship, it would be hella possessive and clingy cause of the whole gums thing, but also unironically the sweetest thing ever) and i am not assuming the sexualities of any of the boys, as i have also mentioned earlier. again, this is just FANFICTION, as i have said in my 10 million disclaimers.

anygays, i really really hoped y'alls liked this demon from the back of my brain! it's super short because this was actually supposed to be breaking me out of writer's block lmao </3 i tried my best to like, not romanticise stuff? and things like that. yeaAAA this was something completely new for me so like---aNygAys, let me know your thoughts on this, and lmk if you want me to write like more short fanfics like this <3

(also, if you wanna know, my TXT bias is Hueningkai and my bias wrecker is Soobin! lmk your TXT bias and bias wrecker too cause i'm curious AHAHAHA---)

also stan talent stan Tomorrow x Together

xoxo, Alex

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