Chapter 1.

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'Today is the day. Im going to meet a person that maybe gets special to me. Im going to meet him.. and hes going to love me like I am. Everything is going to be fine..', were the only thoughts, rushing through Alex mind while walking to a small cafe around the streets to meet his blind date.

He really wished for someone to make him feel special or wishes for a small cute boy he can protect and cuddle.

The more he walked and thought about what could happen, he saw the little sign from the cafe some steps infront of him.

As he kept walking he looked through a window to look inside to maybe already see someone, that looked like he could be interested in. Because he saw noone yet he just took a deep breath before stepping inside the small and chilling/calming cafe.

It smelled so nice like rose candles. The cafe also looked very calmly and nice. It has some plants hanging down from the walls and has some fairylights in the plants and on the ceiling, some small candles on the window sill, that made also the cute rose smell, and even the barista people seemed to be nice and clean.

They had the kind of brown looking cafe with the brown apron with they cafe logo on it and the walls had also a soft brown theme.

It smelled also slightly like coffee in the cafe.

Everything seemed so perfect to meet the perfect cute boy.

Alex looked around and noticed a smaller boy sitting on a window table seat, drinking some hot chocolate with whiped cream while he was scrolling on his phone.

Alex put a soft smile on his face to look as nice as possible and made the way to the smaller one. ,,Hello! Excuse me. Are you the one with the blind date?", he said, hoping he was with the right person or it would get emberrassing.

The smaller one got his head up and looked at Alex innocently with some whiped cream on the side of his mouth.

The taller one instantly got a slight blush on his face of how cute the smaller one seemed. The smaller one instantly got a soft smile on his face and nodded: ,,Yes! Hello!".

When Alex heard the sound of the smaller once voice his heart already skipped a beat. It was so soft but also clear.

Alex smiled more and sat down infront of the seat from the smaller one. ,,Soo~ whats your name?", Alex said with an also / trying / soft voice.

,,Im Keito! And you? Its weird to meet someone just like this hehe", got out from Keitos mouth with a small giggle.

Alex already feelt the urge to cuddle the smaller one in his chest, just because of that giggle. He hoped, that also the personality from Keito was  and just like he would wish his type.

,,Thats a really cute name! Im Alexander but you can just call me Alex. Heh~ it's really kind of weird to just meet someone. If it gets too weird tho, please tell me. I don't wanna make you uncomfortable at the first meet..", the taller one said while looking slowly to the side and back at Keito just to see his cute little face again.

He leaned a bit back at his chair and crossed his arms while spreading his legs a little.

Keito smiled at Alex and said in a soft tone before taking a sip of his hot chocolate: ,, I will! Dont worry! And thank you hehe~"

At this piont Alex got a small smile on his face again, tipping on the side of his own mouth. ,,You got there something, shortie."

,,Huh? Wha-", the cute reaction of Keito let the taller one get out a small giggle.

Keito blushed softly and wiped around his mouth, looking at his hands to see a small part of the whiped cream on his finger.

He licked his finger with some blush looking to the side emberrassed. ,,You didn't saw that..", the smaller one mumbled and Alex nodded. ,,Yea yea I didn't", he said with a smile while the smaller one turned his head back, looking down on his drink. Some seconds flew by, both silent, not knowing what to say.


,,Uhh.. how about I get your number so we have contact?", Alex asked with a small emberrassed smile on his face.

The smaller one looked up to Alex again and smiles softly, putting his drink down.

,,Sure!", Keito let out as an reply and looked on the table to his phone, grabbing it and starting to type and scroll around till he was sliding the phone over to Alex, showing his contact on whatsapp.

Alex looked down on it and he grabbed his own phone, also scrolling and typing around, starting to look from Keitos phone back to his own. After a minute Keito got a message from an unknown number and the smaller one slid his phone back to himself.

,,Oh..", let the smaller one out of his breath making it sound like a whisper. ,,Whats wrong shortie?", Alex said while leaning a bit forward to Keito.

,,You really have a boring profile you know?", the smaller one said while looking slowly back up to Alex, having his brows a little up.

The taller one blinked at him, confused of what he should say as an reply to what Keito just said.

,,Well I dont have so many contacts! So my profile is completly fine..!", the taller one got out while leaning back at his chair huffing.

Keito started to giggle a bit, getting a hand in front of his mouth saying: ,,Hehe~ it's okay. It's cute."

Alex looked at the smile and giggle from Keito, feeling like the place starts to shine around them. ,,Oh. O-okay then..", the taller one got out with some blush on cheeks looking away.

Keito keept smiling knowing what he just did to the poor guys mind.

Alex mind was really a mess. He definitly wants to know more about Keito.

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