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The next day was another one of those days where class was held in the Gym for some reason. I liked the fact that I go to hang out with all my friends. The best thing ever about my friends was that no matter what I said, whether it was funny or totally stupid they never criticized me. And at the time I said some pretty dumb stuff.

The Gym was huge yet for some reason I could never seem to get “she” out of my sight. My friends and I always hanged out by the pull-ups bar. For some reason this place had always been “our place”. It really wasn’t though. But it felt like it was.

Everybody else was sitting on the bleachers doing nothing and stuff. Well we weren’t really doing anything either but it felt like we were.

This one kid, Jonny’s friend, came up to us. I didn’t like him. Wait. No. I really didn’t like him. He was fat and ugly by my standards. The fat part was true though. And his face wasn’t what made him ugly. It was his personality. This dude had the ugliest personality ever. Oh and his face was pretty messed up too.

But that’s mean. I can’t really judge. But those were my personal feelings towards him. And believe me I had my reasons too.

I want to go head and say it but I think it would be better if I start back at the beginning. The beginning of the beginning.

Alright. Here we go. Back to the very first day

It was a cold rainy day. You could feel the sadness in the atmosphere. It made me sad. But that wasn’t the only thing that made me feel like that. It was the fact that all the friends that I had made the following year were no longer going to be with me anymore. Making friends was hard enough. Keeping up with up with them is harder.

That was always my problem. And I really had no way to keep in contact back then.

There went one year of friendships down the toilet.

But right now I couldn’t think of that. I had to focus on how exactly I was going to survive this day.

The first day could decide how the rest of your year will go. The people you first talk to could end being your best friends forever. And I know that sounds cool. But nobody wants to end up being friends with the kid that nobody likes. I had so much going through my head. And I hadn’t gotten out of the car yet. Ugh.

This was gonna be a long day.

But I had to make the best of it.

Starting over can sometimes be a good thing. Like nobody knows you and you don’t really have anything to lose. That thought was also going through my head. I had a chance to start over with new people. I could end up being cool if I play my cards right.

I got out of the car and walked towards the main entrance. I saw a ton of kids that I didn’t know. But I saw more that I did know. I was like ‘Crap’. So much for new beginnings. I hated the school year already.

When we entered all the kids from my grade went to the eastside of the building. For some reason our uniform code was an ugly shade of yellow.

I was sent to a class on the first floor. The school was new so everything was all nice and neat and untouched. It was beautiful really. I sat all the way in the back for personal reasons. I was sitting there waiting for something to happen. I saw a couple of other kids coming into the classroom. Some had real familiar faces and others faces that I thought I’d seen before. I was wondering if they recognized me well. I hoped that they didn’t.

There was this one kid that I knew from 5th grade. He was almost unrecognizable. Everybody had changed so much. I was thinking if I had changed as much as they had.

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