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Writer's block

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Writer's block.

Vanessa had writer's block. She hadn't wrote anything in weeks and this time it wasn't due to being too busy. It's because Lima was uninspiring and absolutely nothing made her feel more than irritation.

"Join glee club."

"You caused a sex riot." Vanessa told Finn, who started walking in time with her as she made her way to french.

"No one got hurt."

The girl stopped and spun around to face him as he stopped in tow, "I got knocked out."

"No one was seriously hurt."

"I was in the hospital! I thought it was raining but it turns out that Jacob Israel's blood was dripping onto my face!" She exclaimed, "Look, all of you are awful. You know that begging isn't cute? If you come off too eager, everyone loses interest."

Finn gripped her shoulders, shaking her, "Live a little Vanessa! One week. That's all I need to change your mind. Plus, I really need your help."

Vanessa sighed. For anyone else should would have told them to fuck off and leave her the hell alone by this point but this was Finn. The Finn that helped her find a job after Alexander asked him if his mom's flower shop was hiring on the weekends. The answer was yes.

"What do you need help with?"

"Well, Quinn's out sick this week with the flu or something nasty and it's duet week. There's this guy Sam, he's on the football team-"

She cut him off, "Yea, Sam Evans, I know. I'm actually on my way to join him in French which I am late for so can we hurry this up?"

Finn gave her a pointed look, "Well, she was gonna be his partner but now she's out and Kurt's trying to get Sam to sing with him and I think he's freaking Sam out a little?"

"Why is he freaking Sam out?"

"Well- Because he's... You know..."

"Gay?" Vanessa questioned, "Jesus Finn, that's awful. It's 2010, you need to grow the fuck up."

Finn stuttered, "I don't have anything against gay people, it's just-" He knew he wasn't going to win the argument so he just decided to change the topic, "So, will you do it?"

Vanessa thought about it. The cons outweighed the pros, but she owed him, "Fine." She spoke through gritted teeth, "But for this week only and then I'm out." She stormed away before storming back up to him, "And I want you to promise to stop with all this homophobia stuff. It's making you look less hot to me."

"I promise. You won't regret this Vanessa, I promise."

"Yea, yea whatever. Just send me the dates."


"So, a duet yea?" Sam Evan's questioned as Vanessa sat next to him in French, "Are you excited?"

Vanessa shot him a look, "How quickly does news travel around this school? I've only just spoke to Finn!"

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