ordinary day

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Ever since the date Sam and Vanessa said, curtesy of William Schuester, it was like Vanessa couldn't stop writing

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Ever since the date Sam and Vanessa said, curtesy of William Schuester, it was like Vanessa couldn't stop writing. Lyrics flew out of her so quickly that most the time she had to stop what she was doing to record it on her phone. The band loved it because it was like she was on molly. She sorted a recording session within a week and found a local university student that studied film to make their music video for their favourite song the next. Alexander's pull with the football  team helped them fill some spots as the party goers, the rest of the cast was made up of the band and a few of Phebe's friends from softball. 

And here they were about to release onto YouTube.

"Are we sure about this?" Dee asked from the sofa in her garage, "Like once we post this we can't go back on anything. The music video, the name. It's gonna be with us for our whole career." 

"I don't know, I still think we should have gone with my name." Alex complained, with Mel sitting next to him, throwing the boy a disapproving look.

Vanessa huffed as she typed in the description box for their music video, "We aren't calling the band Dog Tits." Alexander whined in disappointment, "Plus, we all voted on Marcus' choice."

"Rebels, see them live at Maddison Square Garden!" Marcus exclaimed, "Come on guys, this is exciting! We are gonna be famous!"

Phebe nudged him, "It's our first song that we are releasing. The likelihood of it going viral is slim to none. Let's not get ahead of ourselves."

"You're such a Debby downer Phebe." Mel complained, "This is supposed to be uplifting and here you are shitting on it."

Alex wrapped his arm around Mel, "Yea, listen to Mel and Marcus, we are gonna be rich baby!" Mel blushed at the contact between the two which went unnoticed by no one besides the boy it was about. Marcus shoved the boy off his sister, playing it off as a joke.

"Guys... It's ready." Vanessa said. Everyone stopped what they were doing and rushed over to her, peering over her shoulder to get a good look at the computer, "This is it. Are you guys ready?"

They all made sounds of agreement and Vanessa moved the mouse to the publish button. She took a deep breath to prepare herself and pressed down.

It was done.


On first look of William McKinley High School anyone would have thought it was just a normal school. The beige walls that had discoloured over the decades. The cream and red tiled floors that would remind students the ordinary school colours. The smell of body oder and Axe spray. Just an ordinary school in an even more ordinary town.

But Vanessa knew better. She knew that as soon as she stepped through the doors of that school she would be bombarded by questionable characters that made her believe she was in some shitty, over exaggerated teen comedy. 

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