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"Daddy? Will I ever get another mommy?"

Mikey looked panicked, he couldn't just say no to her, that would be rude. Instead he smiled and covered her eyes.

"Bedtime! If you sleep early, I'll call auntie Emma tomorrow..." The little girl giggled when she heard of her beloved aunt and nodded. He kissed her cheek and turned off the light and laid down next to his motherless child.

He sighed while holding one of Coco's hands. He really needed to make clear that he won't be marrying anyone for the rest of his life because of how he had suffered.


Coco was in her room playing with her teddy when she suddenly remembered that she couldn't see her first ever teddy that her father gifted her.

She looked around and didn't see any maid so she decided to go to her father's office to ask him. As she got closer, she heard her father's voice, but it was a very harsh tone. She looked and saw her aunt standing with Mikey.

"Because of that... bitch, I can't even answer properly to my daughter!" He spoke. Emma gulped and quietly listened.

"Why did her mother have to die??? Now I don't know what should I do..." He blurted. The little girl misunderstood his words, obviously.

"Mikey... then you never would've met her..." Emma spoke in a low voice. Realization hit Mikey and he facepalmed himself.

"Either way, I'm not marrying another woman, please convey that to Coco." He spoke.


"Little miss, why are you standing here, do you need something?" A maid's voice was heard right outside Mikey's door. Both siblings looked at each other and went to the door.

"Oh n-no! I-I was just g-going in-inside." The baby girl nervously chuckled. She looked a little shaken. The maid smiled and went her way. Mikey opened his door and looked at Coco with a slight emotionless look, he seemed angry.

"Why are you standing outside, princess?" He asked in a cold tone.

"Mikey!" Emma slapped his arm with the back of her hand, so he adjusts his tone but she was ignored.

"I-I-I wanted to ask-ask ab-about the f-first ted-teddy y-you gifted me... I-I c-can't find it an-anywhere..." She held back her tears and answered. Emma wanted to hug the poor girl right there.

Coco felt like the same way she did when she saw her father for the first time, intimidated and scared.

"I burned it away, it isn't important, you have many more." He replied.

"Oh-" After that she slightly whispered, Mikey seemed to be out of his mind, he was still really pissed about Hanae that he lost his mind, he never intended it.

"Now you two girls can go play, I have work..." He turned around to go back inside in his office while Emma picked the child in her arms.

"Auntie missed you, baby." Emma tried lightening her mood. She looked on the verge of tears.

"I-I missed you too!!" She smiled.

"Auntie..." Coco called. Mikey also looked at her.

"What was daddy saying about mommy... about me?" She nervously asked.

"I hate when someone pries on me..." He muttered.

"He said that if your mommy was here, my baby would've been-" She didn't know how to explain it to her.

"Would've never been adopted?" She sniffed. Mikey put his hands in his pockets and walked to her.

"That's why you should never spy on daddy, you always misunderstand things." He pinched her cheek while coldly looking at her.

"Mikey, stop it!" Emma frowned.

"What did I do? I'm just teaching my daughter some manners." Mikey raised a brow.

"She's a 4 year old!!" Emma raised her voice.

"And she's my daughter!" Mikey frowned.

"So you act mean to her??" Emma asked.

"I don't have time for this!" Mikey was about to return to his office, when he finally came back to his senses.

"UWAH!!" Coco had started crying really badly, she started panicking once she saw her family fighting and ultimately snapped.

"Coco!" He gasped and ran to her. Emma was rocking her in her arms while she cried, but she wasn't stopping.

"Give her to me!" Mikey demanded. Emma saw the concern look, the cold and angry Mikey was gone within a mili second.

"N-no! Shame on you!" Emma didn't give her and walked away while comforting the little girl. Mikey stood embarrassed and ashamed about the fact that his daughter had to see and heard what he had said and done.

"What is wrong with me??" He groaned his frustration and went to his office.


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