Chapter 9

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Sebastian's pov

I'm just sitting on my desk in math class, i don't really understand math ever since they added letters to it. I mean, i did understand most of it but not all of it.

Maybe i could ask for help, she turns her head and gives me a little smirk. She shakes her head and mouths 'loser', she's so beautiful.

She's the most beautiful art I've ever seen, she could be in a museum for being this beautiful.

Y/n's pov

He looks at me like I'm some art or something, hungry eyes. I shake my head and mouth a 'loser' to him, he's my lovely loser.

Wait what?

Margarita's pov

I told my teacher i was going to the washroom, but actually i was on my way towards Sebastian's class. He looked so cute when he's working.

I peak on the small window and spot him, he wasn't concentrating on the work but a certain cock sucking bitch.

What's so interesting in her? Im going to do everything to get that boy and she's not getting in my way.

Y/n's pov

I decided to skip PE so i could start my story.

Im writing about a girl in the 1800s named Khalida, i like to pick unique names when i write. But i still love simple names, even if it's a bitch's name.

"Hey y/n." I look up and see Margarita, what does she wants? "I just wanted to tell you to stay away from Sebastian, because he's mine."

"Oh really? I didn't see a collar around his neck that said 'dog of the cunt named after a drink'." she gasps and i raise my eyebrows.

"Wel- well, you- uh-" i motion her to go and she gets up then leaves.

Shit, all i wanted to do was write. Somehow i get always in some shit like this, especially from her.

I then get back to writing, i hope those assholes won't interrupt me this time. By assholes i mean the whole school.

Sebastian's pov

Y/n skipped PE, i assume she doesn't love sports. Well, i kind of do, i have good grades in PE.

The teacher told us to run at least five laps which wasn't that bad if you're into sports, except when you're a lazy ass like how i also am.

"Okay, good job guys and girls. You can go change." the teacher says, we all run towards the door and went straight to the changing room.

I put on some deodorant and change into my clothes. I cough because i got some deodorant in my mouth.

I put everything in my bag and run towards the doors to go outside, i look around then spot Anthony and Chris along with the others.

I run towards them and they all greet me. "Hey, how's the work going?" Anthony asks.

"It's going great, I'm almost done." I answer.

"Im sure she'll love it." Scarlett says smiling. I hope she does.

I look behind me and see her writing on her notebook, maybe she's writing a story about witches. She looks so beautiful and peaceful.

A/n: it's a little boring but it's okay ig. Please don't come at me, it's not my intention to make anyone look bad, i just didn't have other ideas than this:)

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