Chapter 16

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Few weeks later

Sebastian and i started to get to know each other more as the days went on, we tell each other funny memories and what we want to be as we grow old.

He wants to be an actor, i told him i wanted to be a writer.

"Hey, i kind of want to smoke weed, just to try." he tells me. I put down my jacket that i was sewing and look at him in the eyes.

"Are you sure? Because once you do, you can't stop." I tell him. He thinks for a moment before he looks at me smiling.

"I am sure. Maybe we can smoke like once in a week, maybe?" I smile and go get a jar of weed, another jar with joins and my bong.

"Okay. How do you want to smoke it? Bong? Or joints?" I hand him the jars and he gives me the one with weed in it.

"I'll try the joints. Next time we'll smoke with your bong." I put the jar and my bong away.

"You want to share one with me or you'll take one for you?" I open the jar taking one.

"Let's share." I nod then pass him the joint so i could put the jar of joints away.

"Let's go smoke on the balcony, Alyssa is gonna get pissed at me if we smoke in my room." we walk towards the balcony and sit on the floor since there wasn't chairs.

I lit the joint and take a drag before passing it to him, we pass it to each other.

We were laughing at nothing now, i was laughing mainly because Sebastian was laughing at nothing. He's such an idiot, but i love him.

"I'll fuck you raw and shit." he says out of nowhere then takes a hit then pass it to me.

"Wow, Sebastian Stan curses man. Why do i sound so slow?" I then laugh and laugh more because of how slow i was laughing, Sebastian was also laughing.

"My mouth is dry." Sebastian says then makes weird noises. "Im fucking cold." he gets up and get in the apartment to get my blanket.

He then plops down and it was cute to see him all rolled up in my blanket with tiny eyes, you know what i mean.

"I wanna be in it too, let me." I crawl towards him but he pushes me away. "Seb, come on." I whine.

"No!" he sticks his tongue out to me, i lean in and touch his tongue with mine making him laugh. "That was hot."

We then fell asleep on the balcony with the door open. Too tired to walk back inside, but it was funny getting high with him.

He said he was Sebastian from the little mermaid which made me wheeze, everything's funny when you're high. Even if you are bad tripping, well sometimes.

We had fun, we listened to electric avenue and he even sang Jay's song from Jay and silent Bob. It was pretty funny.

I love that guy with my whole heart, even if sometimes he acts like a kid. I'd do a lot for him, like die or kill. I hope he doesn't leave my side like how I'll never leave his.

The boy who stole my heart / Sebastian StanStan x readerWhere stories live. Discover now