Tommy, shut up!

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As the torn-up teen approached the Las Vegas looking city he could help but let his mind wonder back to the man he was trying to escape. Wilbur. His so-called brother figure. Maybe he was once however now he's just a shell of the man he used to be.

Wilbur wouldn't like how close Tommy was to Las Navadas but he didn't care, he was leaving that man behind one way of another. And this was one of his only shots. As he walked up to the entrance he was met with the Leader, his golden wings twitched when he saw the teen, a small smile forming on his face

"Ah, hey Tommy, what are you doing here?", He asked opening his arms and for a hug. But what had shocked the man the most was when the teen crashed into him, shaking. As he rubbed circles on his back (Platonic!!!)

"Please let me join Las Navadas.....", Tommy merely whispered out, his voice breaking in every word he let out

"What?......", Quackity asked letting the shock slip into his voice

"Please... I can't take it with him, I know he's using me, please I just wanna get away.....", Tommy once again whispered out, letting fear slip into his tone, worrying about what the crazed man would do if he ever found out that he was doing this

"Of course, you can join, would you like a code name or disguise?", Quackity asked slowly losing his grip on the teen

I'll take a code name, as for the disguise I'll handle that....", Tommy said with a clearer voice

"Well welcome to Las Navadas Tommy, or Eclipse", Quackity said separating from the teen and standing in the middle of the road his arm outstretched and huge smile painted on his face

"Thank you Quackity", Tommy said, a hopeful smile forming on his face

Part 2?

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