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Jordan pulled me in for a quick kiss, then said, "Jay, this is Nora."

Jay Knight smiled and stood to greet me. "Nora! So nice to meet you. I've heard so many lovely things."

I wanted to say the same about her, but Jordan rarely said a word about her. All I knew was that he'd wanted to meet up with her in New York, but she'd bailed on him, and he'd hoped to see her again in L.A.... Though when I didn't hear another word about it I'd just assumed it wasn't happening.

Which made me the biggest idiot in the world. Because all those tense phone calls... were with his sister.

Not with Elle.

Jordan had wanted to see his sister, really fucking badly, apparently, and here she was. And I was intruding.

"It's... um... nice to meet you, too," I stammered, blushing fiercely. "I'm sorry to barge in like this." I gave Jesse a pointed look that I hoped conveyed an incredibly frustrated, You really could have told me.

"We were supposed to have dinner."

"We're just having a drink," Jay said, pulling me into the booth with her. "You'll just have to join us. I'll head out soon and you can have your dinner."

"You could stay," Jordan said to her, sitting across from us. "You don't have to rush off." And there was something unnerving in his tone, some kind of vulnerability bordering on desperation, that I'd never heard from him before. "We weren't having dinner until eight or so."

"Actually," I put in, "why don't we just order now? Then Jay can eat with us." Because clearly he really wanted her to stay.

After some mild protests on her part, Jay finally agreed to stay, and over the course of dinner I discovered that Jay Knight was not only gorgeous, but sweet, smart, and charming. She might've been born with Jordan's dark hair, but she now had honey-blond highlights, which set off her slight California tan. She had Jordan's dark eyes and his full lips, and sometimes, his hearty laugh.

There wasn't a thing about her not to like.

Somehow, by the end of dinner I'd convinced her to come to the club with us afterward, to see Zane's band. I could tell Jordan was happy she was coming, though it felt like the entire evening the two of them were in some kind of unspoken argument right in front of me; about what, I had no idea. Every time I caught Jordan's eye, the corner of his mouth curled in a slight smile or he'd wink or squeeze my hand, reassuring me that everything was fine. But it didn't feel fine.

It felt far from fine.

I didn't know Jay to be able to read her, but there was tension in the air. She smiled at me a lot and even seemed to be getting pumped for the show in the ride over to the club, but I didn't fully buy it.

It seemed to me that for such a beautiful woman, Jay Knight was missing a spark.

I doubted many people would notice it. She was so pretty that I was sure a lot of people, especially men, only got that far. But if you looked beyond that, it was there. A kind of flatness in her dark eyes. Something closed off or broken down, meant to keep you the hell out.

I was sure Jordan knew it was there. I was pretty sure, by the time we got to the club and Jude led us in through the back door, that it was the reason for Jordan's unease.

But I didn't want to pry and I didn't want to ruin this night. If they wanted to pretend everything was cool when it so obviously wasn't, I'd play along. The truth was, I didn't even care to be at the show; I would've much rather gone back to the hotel with Jordan so maybe he'd tell me what the fuck was going on over a beer.

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