(Not a request)MHO: ronin personally meeting artemis.

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Artemis meeting ronin(aka my au):

Artemis had been going to the library to resolve his issues, just reading books. But today ronin was sleeping in the library,
He walked in past where ronin is sleeping and went to grab some books. Suddenly books on a higher shelf came tumbling down on Artemis.

A series of thumps could be heard, and a whimper.

"Huh? What the heck is that?" said ronin out loud. Shuffling over to investigate he found Artemis sit in a pile of books and a with a book on his head. "Hey kid, are you okay?" Ronin asked, bending down to grab some of the books. Artemis jumped in surprise and scooted away.

Ronin POV=

"Sheesh this kid is really nervous", I thought to myself. I asked again "Are you okay, kid?". The strange kid who just got showered in books stayed quiet, only fear in his eyes. It was strange that the kid wouldn't talk, but they had a mask over their face. "Hey kid, it's okay, but I'm going to ask again. Are you okay?" I asked in a calm tone of voice. "..." the kid's eyes didn't look at me in fear anymore, but I was still only met with silence. Suddenly the kid started grabbing the books off the floor, helping me. There was a pause, then short nod answering my question. "So what's you're name?", I asked the young kid. I saw him scribble down something then turned it to me,
"My name is Artemis, and you must be ronin?", the note read. "Yes I am, Artemis. But what were you doing that knocked down the books?" I asked the kid. He scribbled something down again, he turned it to me "I was grabbing some books to read and I think the books were just put up there poorly.", it read. "They probably were.", I commented. He picked up most of the books except the one on his head. I returned the books I have in my arms back on the shelf. Artemis handed me the books he had and I put them back up grabbing the one on his head. "So kid, what kind of books were you looking for?", I asked him. He scribbled more, "Oh well. I was just trying to find fantasy books to distract me for a little while..", the note said. "Oh did something happen?", I asked, mostly expecting a sad topic. To my question there was no answer, just his eyes looking empty, his head shyed away from me.

"Oh sorry, did I hit a sensitive topic?" I asked. The way he just answered me like that makes me worry. He scribbles down something. "Well one reason is that.. I'm struggling balancing school with the cafe club.. and that I'm behind on homework.. and I got 4 detention slips in databases class today..", the written note said. "Makes sense, he's always hard on his students. Are you one of the work study students or...", I asked, though I was surprised that the kid in cafe club knew who I was. Then I suddenly remembered one time I met him, in the cafe club cafe.
(It's so weird TvT)
"Not really no" the kid replied. Then I remembered exactly where I met this kid at first, it was when it was kids vs teachers, he was in the group of kids that fought me. "Hey aren't you one of the kids in that group who fought me? The one with a deep voice and white hair?", I brought up.
"Yeah.", he answered on the notepad. "Didn't you have all white hair? And don't you have a deep voice?", I asked. He scribbled again. "My hair turns all white when I use my quirk, and my voice was changed by my hero costume", he told me. I could tell the answer was one sided, though if he feels uncomfortable I wouldn't push it. "So anything else about it?" I asked while flipping though the pages of the book that was on artemis's head. He shyed his head away again, "Sorry kid, won't push further",I apologized. His eyes lit up, giving me a positive look. I smiled back.
"He kind of acts like ana, though more skittish and nervous" I thought. He sits down on the ground looking tired.

"Hey are you tired?", I asked, realizing I'm tired myself. The kid nodded, yawning a bit, a little bit of tears forming in his eyes. "Why are you tired?", I asked. "Just a nightmare", he answered. "What kind of nightmares?", I asked, making sure I wasn't overstepping any boundaries. "Oh just about some people.. in my past?, I guess it's what you'd call them..?", he answered. It was strange that he seemed confused. "So when was the last nightmare?", I began with.
"Uhmm...maybe..yesterday? I don't exactly remember?." Said Artemis. "Okay, do you feel comfortable describing your dream?",
I asked. Surprisingly he answered readily, unlike all his other hesitant answers. "I was in an alleyway? The time was no more than 2AM. I look over towards the left side of the alleyway, an saw a b-body dripping with blood.. v-violently ri-pped a-apart, hung on the wall dismembered. Then I noticed blood. A lot of it", Artemis wrote, showing me. My god, that's really bad and this kid is shaking too, I thought. "It was shed across the wall, and there were slide marks, from something, about the size of a basketball. Then a bloody letter on the floor saying.. 'I'm sorry I'm sorry! Please don't kill me for not bringing the 50 million,
I'll bring it next time we meet up I promise!" Then there was bloody writing, saying 'you struck first' then i felt someone or something hit me in the head then I woke up in my bed again.." he explained. "No one should have to go to those lengths to tie some loose ends. But emotionally are you okay?", I asked. He replied with a slight nod. "Are you sure?", I asked to make sure.
He nodded eagerly.

(Amoop short but I like this

-jay out!

Word count:1028

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