Chapter 7: Mission to Cybertron

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We then cut to a montage of Cade and Verity putting on their spacesuits, Director Fairborne explaining to them that they'll need to wear these special suits designed by Wheeljack and Perceptor in order to breathe due to Cybertron lacking a breathable atmosphere, Crosshairs commenting "Lucky that we're robots and don't need to breathe". Wheeljack then activates the groundbridge saying "be sure none of you explode in space, okay?" Cade then calls Tessa on the phone, Cade telling his daughter that he called to just to make sure that she's okay. Tessa assures her father that she'll be fine and not to worry so much. Cade then tells his daughter that he'll be going into space with the Autobots and isn't sure he'll come back alive so he just wanted to tell her "I love you" before hanging up, all the while Verity hugs Wheelie goodbye saying "I'm gonna miss you", the little robot beeping in response. Chip translates for Wheelie, telling Verity "He says he'll miss you too" causing Verity to smile. The Autobots and Dinobots then transform into their alt modes with Cade hopping in Bulkhead and Verity in Hot Rod, Bulkhead saying "Alright Autobots, Let's go rescue prime!" with all the Dinobots letting out a triumphant roar before heading through the groundbridge where they end up inside the wreckage of the Knightship, Grimlock recognizing it from the design of the interior. the Autobots and Dinobots transform into their robot modes to look around, with Hot Rod asking Grimlock if this place brings back any memories for him and his fellow knights. Grimlock suddenly has flashbacks to him and his crew being experimented on by Shockwave, causing Grimlock to lose consciousness and transform into his T. Rex mode attacking the Autobots in a fit of rage while Cade and Verity watch, Verity asking "What's gotten into him? I thought he was on our side!" with Cade telling Verity "good question, kid. never seen this side of him before!" all the while poor Crosshairs and Drift are getting tossed around like ragdolls by the big metal dino. Bulkhead smacks Grimlock with his mace angering him even more. Grimlock then shoots a blast of fire from his mouth at Bulkhead only for Hot Rod to deflect the fire blast with some fire of his own from his flamethrowers to protect Bulkhead who tells Hot Rod "what do you think you're doing kid? you're gonna get fried!" followed by Hot Rod telling him "saving your big green skidplate that's what, letting you die would be disgracing Kup's memory". the other Dinobots transform into their dino modes and leap onto Grimlock to restrain him, followed by Verity walking up to the restrained Grimlock asking him "Are you in there, Grimlock? please talk to me" as the little girl gently places her hand on Grimlock's big metal snout. Grimlock then calms down and transform back into his robot mode, Cade amazed that Verity managed to calm down an angry Dinobot, asking how she did it. Verity tells Cade that she grew up with two transformers as her guardians, she knows what makes them tick. Grimlock then gets back up on his feet and apologizes, saying "Me Grimlock sorry. Last time Dinobots were on this ship, we were in Stasis Lock, Me Grimlock while in stasis was reliving bad memories, remembering time when captured by Decepticons, tortured, experimented on, transformed into what we are now".  The Autobots all take a step back, Bulkhead saying "Grimlock... I had no idea". Verity empathizes with Grimlock, asking him who would do such a thing. Grimlock then utters the name "Shockwave" before inserting his sword into the pedestal where the Star Saber once was, Grimlock saying "Prime in big trouble, Me Grimlock can feel it in spark. Must hurry before it's too late" turning his sword clockwise causing the ship to re-activate for the first time in millennia causing it to rise out of the ice with both Cade and Verity in awe as they watch out the window, Hot Rod telling his fellow Autobots "It's going to be weird going back home after being off-planet for over a decade, I wonder how much has changed" with Drift saying "Hot Rod has a good point, we've been gone for so long Cybertron may be unrecognizable from when we left it. It's best we be prepared for anything" with Drift sharpening his swords and Crosshairs cocking his sniper rifle, saying "If there's any 'cons waiting for us on Cybertron, I won't hesitate to kill". Bulkhead then tells the other Autobots "Just follow my lead and we'll be fine, this is just like the rescue missions I used to go on with the Wreckers followed by the Knightship blasting off into space. After that, we cut back to Shockwave looking at the captured Optimus before holding his cannon arm up to Prime's head, asking him "Do you know what happened to my arm, Prime?" followed by a flashback to Grimlock biting off Shockwave's arm. Optimus tells Shockwave "No". Shockwave tells him "One of your fellow knights did this to me. his name was Grimlock" Optimus's eyes widen, asking Shockwave "You knew the Dinobots?" Shockwave then tells prime "Is that what they call themselves now? Back then I just called them test subjects. now are you going to help me kill Unicron or not?". Optimus refuses, telling Shockwave "You will never make destroy Planet Earth, my Autobots swore an oath the planet and its people! it is our new home!" Shockwave then tells Optimus "It was never your home, Optimus. Since you are refusing to make the difficult decisions, you have left me no choice but to make them for you" followed by Shockwave picking up the Dark Energon shard and lodging it into Optimus Prime's forehead causing his eyes to change color from blue to purple. Shockwave orders Predaking to free Optimus Prime from his restraints and he does, followed by the mind-controlled Optimus Prime kneeling before Shockwave and telling him "What is thy bidding my master?" followed by Shockwave telling Optimus "Activate the weapon, Unicron must not be allowed to emerge from the Earth's core". Megatron and his Decepticons enter the room shocked to see Optimus kneeling before Shockwave, and Shockwave tells Megatron and his crew to take the Death's Head and make sure no Autobot rebels interfere with the activation of the Requiem blaster, all the while the three mysterious hooded Cybertronians from before watch the mind-controlled Optimus walk off from the shadows, their leader saying in a disguised but clearly female voice "Optimus... no". Shockwave spots them and shouts "HALT INTRUDERS!" before blasting the quartet with his cannon shooting one of them through the chest, the lead torchbearer shouting "Firestar!" as their sister is killed right in front of them, their leader saying "You'll pay for that" followed by the trio whipping out their individual weapons to attack Shockwave from all sides, however Shockwave manages to easily overpower the trio knocking them down one-by-one. Shockwave looks down to see the dead Firestar is holding a live grenade in her hand followed by an explosion that knocks Shockwave into the wall allowing the three surviving Torchbearers to use the explosion as an opportunity to escape without being seen, the leader saying "your sacrifice will not be in vain, sister" before the trio disappear into the smoke. once the smoke clears Shockwave gets back up and to see a crossed-out Decepticon insignia spray-painted on the wall with the words "No More Lies" written under it in Neocybex, Shockwave saying "Torchbearer scum".

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