Chapter 6: Vanessa

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A/n: omg uwu here's another request for all my fans. I love all of you, I hope you enjoy

It was my very first day at the pizzaplex. I was a new security guard. I had the night shift, along with a woman named Vanessa. I have yet to meet her. I walked into the pizzaplex where she was already waiting for me

"Hi, you must be Y/n. I'm Vanessa" She said with a smile. She was so stunning

"Hi" I said smiling back

"I'll show you around" She said

"Okay, cool" I said following her. She was so beautiful. Everytime she took a step, her hair moved. It was in a ponytail. I knew I would like working here. As long as she was here with me. She led me to the bathrooms. She stopped and turned

"Could you give me a minute?" She asked. I nodded

"Of course" I said with a smile. She walked into the bathroom. I stood outside and waited for her return. As I waited, I began to plan future dates for the two of us because eventually we'd be together. But that's when Markiplier appeared. He began to speak

"The first night. If I didn't wanna stay the first night why would I stay any more than five?! Why would I stay anymore than two? Hello" He said

"I don't wanna die. Ahhhhh wuh pre the power?! Huh? Ah! Oh no! Hi! Oh gawd dammit! How are you doing?" He asked as he talked to himself

"Go away! Nobody likes you! He's still thare!" He yelled

"I wanna go home! I want my mommy! I want my mommy! So badly! Ah phug you!"

"Good. Ya, I feel wah! I didn't see.."

"Ah! Fu whew ah ha!"

"Not doin' it no nope you can't nope! Mmmm.. Oh my gah! Ha! Ha ha ha! Ha! Ha!"


"I'm dead. Bujeezus. Someone's got bad breath"

"Wud is that?! Ah I can't. De wuh dewhm. I gotta flashlight! Hold on! No! Not that!"

"Hi didn't even see Chica comin'. Huuuuuh n' that's notta joke for the internette ten joy!"

"Yahm the beahhhh yet playin' the banjo thare or whatever it is IDK electric g'tar err somethin'"

"Huhhh howw wat tha fuck"

"I wus so worried about frickin' Bonnie over thare I thought I was gunna die"

"Uzzz bad screw yew I'm juss stayin' in here. Huu. Fuuu hooo wut was tha-hat?! Ahhhhhhhhh"

"Howmigunna beat the furss night?! This is im-pah-si-bull"

"Uhh excuse me pardon me that's very rude I just ate before I did this"

"Cod poopie poopie poopie poopie in my pants!"

"Hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi hi flash flash flash flash"

"Wut the hell. No no no no no no no no no no no no da da da da da da da da da da da da da da oma gawd"


"Memories memorieees mammaries"


"I got it i got it i got it igoddit I so gooooooooooooooootttttiiiiiiiiiiiit"

"I'm so boned. I'm boned. He's gonna kill me. He's gonna kill me. Oh my gawd"

"I duwn nerrhh. I duwn nerrhh. I'm una nya bleehh"

"Oh gawd, I'm boned. Oh gawd I'm boned. I'm boned. I'm boned. Jamón. Jamón Jamón"

"Why is he theeeeeere?! Oh gawd oh gawd oh gawd oh gawd yuh zhuh zhuye"

"He was just hangin' up there lieka doosh heeey howsit gowin' nare?! You wanna win? Too bad!"

"No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no"

"Hurgh you wanna mess with the likes of me?! I got a cracking voice I'm practically pubescent"

"Hey whoa whoa you gah- awwww God I was lightning fast"

"Now that it's been confirmed that Chica's actually a girly girl it's made the life ov me sooooo fahn idk why'd it be fahn. Don't read too much into that that dudn't mean anything. I huh deh zeh hah he wudda ya tryna say?"

"R u there? Bear not he whaaa?! What da eyufff? I knew it! Ho my gaahhhd!"

"Am I supposed to be.. ohhhhhhhhh aye! Ah! Fuck! What the? Fffffffffffff I'm alive?!"

"Woahey! Wadda ya doin'?! Wedyeh friendly? Hello? Hi? Hey! How's it goin bro?! I'm gonna play an.. ah!"

"Hey! What the fuck is that?! What am I supposed to do?! Whadooeye? Duh okay! Bye! Ah! Hug!"

"Oh gawd dammit uhheye ah.. agh hi yes I know! Ventilation error I know! I know! Balloon boy, you're a dick I get it remind me to punch you in the face ten times more than usual"

"Hough haugh hau I'm Freddy ruawgh raagh uhh uh huh"

"Heeeeey! Ohhhhhhhh you know what? I just met your friends like Chica and Balloon Boy came back together we had a big party together we had so much fun in a big pile with all the spare parts eewww it was great! Let me tell ya!"

"Kay seven.. oh no! No! Gawd dammit! Not again ahey! What the fuck?!"

"The lights may be blaring but I'd like to think of that the red hawt burning love that I feel in my heart for you ya! Ha ha! Boopa doopa doopuh doop I don't love you at all! Ya ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!"

"Ah! Gawd dammit! Gawd famn fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuckie fuckie fuckie you!"

"You know what? I'm not even gonna be nice to you fuck you! And everything you care about or loved or ever needed in your life I hope you get nothing beneficial to you to advance your career I hope you don't get that promotion I hope you don't enjoy all the lovely things in life I hope you don't see beaches and travel around the world I hope you do nothing! Oh shit.. well ther- Ah! Gawd dammit!"

"Why do I only have 2 audio d- checks per do? That didn't make any since but I'm tryin' not ta' inglesh here because I don't speak inglesh good and I don't inglesh good at all and I don't want worgood"

"Shit! Oh fuck naw not now I canonly assume he's in that one but! Nehh whaddo I know? Iz juz a guess at dis point istjusta theory!"

"Where'd he come from where'd he goooo where'd he come from cotton eye joe! Hi-bab mm-be mm-bah ba ba doh! Get the fuck back there right now I don't have the patience fer yew omg all my systems are failing. This is not good"

"Ahhhh! Sheeit I'm so boned. I'm so strongly boned!"

"Liek I reeeally know mah shit when it comes to this game y'all. Du uh ul y'al- I never used that kinda lingo bufore but I I'm feelin' it oh.. slightly sassy"

"Make it I mak-a-da call yeah ha haha uh ha uh haha ha yeah he hehea"

Then Mark took off his head only to reveal Vanny who then killed me

(The end)

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