I miss you (A BOP Poem)

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Once upon a time, we were bound for an eternity, still ripe and tinder with adoration's expectations. But at length, we matured, growing steady with the heat of your bloom. Ultimately, we've become too impatient for your procedure. Once spring, you have fallen to decay.

An urban myth in an emotional dystopia, Romance.

My faith in you is fading.

You're the stuff of lore, good stories we hardly believe. Hand picked lies, no dandies to wish for you. Colorless chatter falling upon deaf ears, unseen by a defunct third eye. Bewitching smiles, full of enchantment, devoid of sincerity. Time on a limit, unearned and depreciating. Misplaced values found on a abandoned court.

Sparks where sex is discerned, but never in a kiss, Romance.

My faith in you is fading.

Relay your heart's whispers with speech that transcends disdain, will you? Endure me and witness the fruit of voracious devotion. Can you? Labor away doubt to find unfeigned sentiment? Bemuse the status quo but bless me with your every truth. Revitalize my deprived heart in a world dehydrated without you.

Soothe my spirit for me, Romance?

My faith in you is fading.

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