Chapter 24

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Lisa brewed two cups of coffee and put one of them in front of Li Min before saying, "I only have instant coffee here."

"I still have a mood to drink coffee, hurry up." Li Min moved the coffee aside.

Lisa smiled and sat on the sofa, holding a coffee cup and said, "Actually, it's okay. In short, I just got married and went out on a trip to get married."

"Blind date? Are you going to blind date? When? Why are you going to blind date?" Li Min smashed her head with a series of questions.

"It's a coincidence."Lisa sorted out the language and said as quietly as possible. "You also know that some time ago because of Xiaoyuan's things, I kept worrying about my second uncle. I guess I was too urgent. They Start hiding from me. "

"It's not that I said your second uncle, anyway, this is also a nephew. How can I not be saved?" Li Min felt distressed at the thought of Lisa's loss of spirit at that time.

"You still don't want to listen." Lisa didn't really want to talk about this experience.

"You say, you continue to talk down." Li Min listened.

"I inquired that the second uncle's family would go to the Emperor Hotel, and then ran to the squat early in the morning, and then ..." Lisa slowly told what happened that day.

"So you actually robbed your cousin's blind date?" Li Min stunned.

"What do you want?"Lisa rolled her eyes. "Accurately, they should have missed each other, and ..."

"The blind date man fell in love with you." Li Min's expression met the dog blood gossip, "Can't think that the plot of the dog blood would actually be staged beside me?"

Lisa didn't interrupt the girlfriend's YY, and sat to watch her brain fill.

"Although your second uncle is not a wealthy man in the imperial capital, but his family's assets are hundreds of millions of dollars, then the blind date he found for his daughter should not be too bad." Li Min put down the coffee cup in his hand, dog-legged He rubbed against Lisa and said, "My dear, what is your husband?"

"Major Jeon family." Lisa did not conceal.

"Major Jeon family, Jeon family ..." Li Min filtered all the emperors with heads and faces in his mind. The first one to jump into his head was Jungkook, and then he rejected it himself. Those who meet the requirements can only continue to ask: "What's his name, where is your family ?"

"His name is Jungkook, at home ..."

"Jungkook !!!" Li Minwa stood up suddenly, staring at Lisa incredulously Jeon Jungkook, who was returned from the army as the soldier of the Jeon family, the richest man in the imperial capital?"

"Do you know?" Lisa asked doubtfully.

"How could I know."

"But you seem to know him very well."

"Understood? I heard that this Jeon family major, in the social circle of the emperor capital, it really makes people talk," Li Min sighed.

"Are there any legends?" Lisa laughed when he saw the exaggerated expression of her girlfriend.

"You're still laughing, I'll tell you." Li Min sorted out the news that he had inquired from all directions. "This young Master Jeon is also a wonderful flower. Other rich sons of other families are sent to eat and die. The younger boy, who is advancing, went abroad to study and manage and came back to take over the family business. He is good, he went to work as a soldier, do you say he is sick. "

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