Is this what rivals do

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It was a normal day, Ranpo was just sitting at a desk with his feet up and snacking like usual. He saw that nobody was around, he wasn't working at the moment and decided to go over to Poe's place but of course he needed to see if Poe was okay with it.


Ranpo: Hey poe, can I come over plzzz I have nothing to do and I have no work right now:3

(It took a minute or two but than Poe replied.)

Poe: sure you can come over! I don't have anything really, I'm working on a novel for you actually.

Ranpo: Thanks poe
(IRL not text)

As Ranpo walked over to Yasano who wasn't working at the moment, he was going to ask her if she could drive him to Poe's place. But he wasn't sure if he wanted to walk, he knew Yasano wouldn't make a tons of stops to get snacks. And plus, he wanted to get exercise. As Ranpo walked he noticed a snack place it had tons of snacks he loved!
Ranpos prospective: *That looks pretty good looking ehh maybe I should go, im not in a rush.*
He thought to himself.
"Maybe poe would want to go, maybe I'll stop by later!"

Ranpo continues to walk until he reaches Poe's place. As he knocks on the door he grabbed a snack from his not-so-secrect-secret snack box. He wanted to give it to Poe to share snacks while they work on novels. 
"come in!"
Poe trembled over as he lost his balance, Karl was on his shoulder bouncing around. Ranpo stepped in and Poe almost fell on top of ranpo.
"Sorry ranpo!" his face was redder than ever, as being embarrassed. 
"It's okay, no big deal" Ranpo smiled at Poe.
"Lets work on novels?" He said in a questionable voice.
"Of course Poe- kun! I actually brought a few snacks to! I know you don't like to much sugar so I brought a bit of noodles sorry if they're cold..!" Ranpo said cheerfully.

"its okay.. thank you ranpo!" Poe would manage to stutter out in a small tone.
"Let's go then," Ranpo smiled

Time skip

  Later that day, it was already afternoon and Ranpo was tired somehow he ate all those sweets without vomiting all over, Poe only had a few bites of the noodles, and he was tired aswell. Before Ranpo could fall asleep Poe asked him if he was staying at his place. "Yeah, it's up to you poe..!" Ranpo replied in a tired tone. Poe wasn't used to making decisions he usually just asked.
"Sure, I don't see why not"
"No problem" Ranpo snuggled close to Poe laying his head on his shoulder Poe tried to lean down he managed to take off Ranpo's shoes so he could sleep comfortably. Yet Poe was red because the green eyed detective lied on his shoulder. He thought, " is this what rivals do?" He'd blush and his heart fluttered away he'd not know this great feeling soon he wrapped his hands around ranpos waist and pulled him back and layed on his side cuddling.

Bru ion know how to write for shit. If you don't wanna cringe don't read the next chapter

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