Bucky Barnes- SMUT

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Teasing under the table

Warnings: smut, heavy degrading, teasing, handjob, blowjob, fingering, six-nine, face sitting, thigh riding, sergeant kink, praise kink, metal hand kink, use of pet name: doll, sweetheart, and handsome, aftercare, deep throating, light spanking.

NOTES: This is TFATWS Bucky, but still when eveyone is alive, my obsession is with civil war and TFATWS Bucky at the moment so like- enjoy!


Just a regular day at the compound, well for everyone else, for you, you had a plan to tease your super soldier boyfriend under the table tonight at dinner. Why? Because you teasing him always landed in the best sex you've ever had, every, single, damn, time. And the thing is, you knew exactly how to get him riled up.

You got pulled out of your thought by a cool metal hand swiftly sneaking around your waist, a head being layed upon your shoulder, you knew it was Bucky, the soft chuckle falling from his parting lips at the hiss that left yours when the metal made contact with your skin.

"Hiya, sweetheart, what are you up to right now?" the brunette pondered, pressing light kisses to the crevices of where your neck and shoulder met.

"Bout' to place dinner on the table, that's what handsome, care to help me?" you questionned, biting back a laugh at the plan running through you're brain. He nodded taking half the plates whilst you took the other half, calling the rest of the team to come and eat. They all slowly gathered in, knowing you and Wanda were most likely the best cooks here.

"So, how was everyones day today?" you questionned trying to start some normal conversation before commencing the torture on Bucky.

"Oh you know, small missions here and there, nothing to huge." Steve explained with a sigh. Once everyone had gotten their food you started your plan, placing your hand daintily on his thigh running your thumb on it ever so slightly, Bucky looked at you shrugging his shoulders as you gave him a small smile.

As dinner continued on you started inching your hand slowly towards his crotch, the look on his face slowly turning into a slightly stone expression as he looked at you for a pre-warning to stop yourself, you didn't listen. Your hand made it's way to his crotch, slowly palming him through his black jeans, the quiet sounds he was making only audible to you.

He shifted uncomfortably in his seat, looking up with a small smile as if he was interested in the conversation. You smirked to yourself while slowly undoing his jeans and ever so slightly pulling his boxers down to relieve the tent pressure in his pants. You dropped your fork 'accidentally' by Bucky, leaning down to pick it up while giving his cock a lick on the underside 

You sat back up properly moving your hand back down to him, and wrapping your hand around his length, once again getting him to shift in his seat as you pumped him slowly. He kept shooting you glares to tell you that it was enough, but you only wanted the worst punishment, and the best sex you ever got. So you kept pumping him, slowly, teasingly.

"So Bucky, how are you and Y/n? You both seem very happy." Nat piped up, giving you and Bucky a smile and he cleared his throat.

"Well y'know, I'd hope she's happy, wouldn't want to be with a tease who only plays relationships." he accentuated the tease, as the last final warning for you to stop, usually you had, but not today.

You felt him twitch in your hand, immediately letting go and stuffing him back in his pants and zipping them up, letting out a small chuckle at the grumble that left from his lips.

"Excuse me, dinner was lovely, Wanda and Y/n, but I think me and you had planned a movie date no?" Bucky stood up immediately taking you in front of him to cover up, you nodded through a giggle as he gave everyone else a smile before rushing out of the room with one of your wrists in his grip.

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