Volume 1 Chapter 6: The Runaway's Rage

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Author's POV

The battle between the two brothers, Y/N and Cardin Winchester. It wasn't a battle, it wasn't even a battle. It was one sided as Y/N was able to hit him in the face, sending him back to the ground. Y/N growled as he shoot out fire, from his mouth. Both Qrow and Cardin were shocked at the display as Cardin rolled over to dodge. Cardin went for a swing with his mace but Y/N counter, headbutting him.

Qrow was watching the battle between them and he can see the difference between them. Cardin have some skills he'll say that, but Y/N is leagues ahead of him. How they are brothers, they both are nothing alike. He snapped out of it as Y/N kicked him in the stomach, sending him in the back.

Y/N growled, he was growling like an animal stalking his prey. He activates his jetpack, Icarus as he flies over to Cardin at top speed. But Qrow noticed something that was in Cardin's hand, his eyes widen as he fully saw what it was.

"Y/N! He has a flashbang!" Qrow shouted before Cardin threw the flashbang, blinding mostly Y/N and Qrow.

Y/N growled as he cover his eyes, in pain as the flash of light blinded him. Qrow was able to cover his eyes much better than Y/N. But when he looked around, Cardin was nowhere to be seen. Qrow cursed to himself as Cardin was gone by now.

"Damn it... come on kid, we have to go." Qrow said.

He walked towards the boy, his hand on his shoulder. But Qrow got punched in the face instead, knocking him down on the ground. Qrow held his nose in pain as he looked up at the boy. His eyes widen slightly, Y/N's eyes haven't change. They're still black and red.

"Ohh shit..." Qrow said to himself as Y/N lunged at him, his fight with the Runaway has begun.

Y/N pulled out his Netherite sword before charging at the Huntsman. Qrow countered, blocked every single strike from Y/N. Y/N tried to strike again, but Qrow dodged it by rolling over. His scythe turned into a shotgun as he shoot at the boy. But Y/N was rolling around like a skater, picking up speed. Qrow turned his shotgun to a sword as he charge in.

As so they duel, both matching and countering each other's strikes. Y/N used his shield to defend himself form Qrow's hits, he shoves the adult away. Y/N quickly tapped on the ground, making the roller skates in Golden Crow go away. He tackles him to the ground, punching him in the face. Or at least try to as Qrow caught his fist and pushes the boy away from him.

Qrow looked at the Runaway and was able to find out a weakness. His armor was strong, hell one of the strongest. But despite all that armor covering him, theres a slight opening on his neck. The back of his scythe could be able to knock him out. Qrow sighed to himself Y/N charges forward.

"Hope this works..." Qrow muttered to himself.

Y/N charges forwards, heading straight towards Qrow with his Netherite sword in hand. As he was about to swing down towards the Huntsman, Qrow dodge at the last second and got behind him. He use his full force as he struck down the back of his scythe on the Runaway's neck. Y/N gasps as he felt the huge amount of pain, his eyes widen as they turned back to normal. And then he passed out, Qrow caught the boy as he was about to touch the ground. Qrow sighed to himself as the Runaway's initiation is nearly complete.



Ugh... where am I? I let out a groan as i rub my eyes, slowly adjusting to the light. I looked around at my surroundings and i quickly realized that I am in a hospital bed. I slowly sat up rubbing my neck, damn it hurts bad. I looked over to my left and let out a gasp, it was Winter Schnee.

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