Chapter Ten: Palestone Castle

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In an effort to put a stop to the bombardment on the doors, soldiers spilled out as the door to the castle burst open.

"Just as we thought," one soldier said, "Moonwich soldiers are trying to break in. They..."

His words trailed off as he took in the sight in front of him. Jerald was middle-aged and had been in the Queen's Guard for most of his life. He'd thought he'd seen everything.

Until now.

Ahead of him, a stranger in a Red Fern uniform held the head of a Moonwich soldier. Blood was... just about everywhere and in every place in between. What in Abyssus had happened out here?

"Who are you?" Jerald called, somehow finding his voice. It was the voice he usually used when commanding the soldiers in his unit; strong, powerful, and not to be messed with. It was a voice that should be obeyed without question or hesitation.

It was just unfortunate the man holding the decapitated crushed head didn't seem impressed by it at all. He just remained where he was, staring up at the head he held above his own and letting the blood from it drop onto him.

"I don't recognise him, sir," someone said. It was one of Jerald's men, but he didn't want to turn away from the stranger for even one moment to see who. "I think he stole that armour, sir."

"Who are you?" Jerald tried again.

"An excellent question," the stranger said. He let go of the mangled head and let it drop to his feet. Turning to face Jerald, the stranger smiled. Unable to control himself, Jerald gasped when he saw the stranger's eyes and teeth. This was no normal man.

"What the fuck?" another of Jerald's soldiers said at his side.

"Surround him." Jerald gave the command and watched as his soldiers complied. They seemed reluctant and he couldn't blame them, but soon enough the stranger was surrounded by a ring of armoured soldiers, each with a weapon of some kind pointing in his direction. "Do not move," Jerald said to the stranger. "If you move, we'll be forced to execute you, is that clear?"

The stranger continued to wear that hideous grin.

Rushed and heavy footsteps came from inside the castle. Several members of the Knights of the Green Fire appeared in the doorway, their armour displaying their order's revered symbol; a black sword resting on a green flame. The Knights of the Green Fire were held in high esteem in Red Fern and some even went as far as to worship them. Queen Elsbeth blessed them with special privileges and immense power. Jerald had seen some of those knights in action on several occasions and their speed and strength was something to behold. He'd been awe-struck watching them fight.

"This man is to be taken into the castle immediately," one of the Knights of the Green Fire said.

"On whose order?" a soldier asked. Jerald winced when he realised the man had neglected to add a 'sir' to the end of that question. By sheer luck, the knight didn't seem to notice or was probably occupied by other more pressing thoughts.

"By royal order," the knight replied before turning to the other knights he'd arrived with. "Take our guest to his room." The other knights nodded and moved towards the stranger.

"What if I don't want to go?" the stranger asked.

"It's for your own good." The knight stepped aside so the others could get past with their guest. "No harm will come to you if you join us inside." He held out his arm to beckon the stranger in.

"Oh, I wasn't worried about harm coming to me," the stranger replied as he kicked the decapitated head away and strolled alongside the knights. While he spoke, he also peeled the borrowed face away and let it drop to the ground. It landed with a splat and several of the soldiers surrounding the stranger gasped. "Don't worry, I'll do as you wish... but not because I fear you. I want to make it clear, I have nothing to fear from you."

"Then why do as they say?" One of Jerald's soldiers seemed to have remembered they could talk.

"I've always wanted to see the inside of the castle. My mother says it's a sight to behold," the stranger said simply as he followed the knights inside. The thick wooden doors were closed behind them, leaving Jerald's unit stuck outside.

"What now, sir?" the talkative soldier asked.

"We follow the original objective." Jerald walked in front of his troops and started to regain the composure that had started to slip away the longer he'd been in the presence of the stranger. "We must rid Red Fern of this Moonwich scum!"

Jerald and his troop headed into battle, the memory of the stranger burned forever into their minds.



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