Chapter 6: Viridi Ignis

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A/N: I really hope I have managed to make things just a little believable with all the tech stuff here. But nothing is real and all made up, so hope you can live with how I did this.

And yeah there's another NCIS character name dropping in this, only briefly, but since I love the show I used her name.

Thank you to Snowbellewells for beta reading.


Chapter 6: Viridi Ignis

Three days later, things had settled down a little, yet there were no signs of where Gold had vanished. It was getting on everyone's nerves that he seemed to have completely dropped off the grid, but a CIA team was working night and day to gather any electronic traces they could pick up on, anything regarding something or someone connected to Gold.

The CIA lab team had been analyzing the green biotoxic water Emma and Killian had found in Storybrooke. And the tech team was searching the flash drive Killian had copied files to. Nemo had called them into his office, and they would get a briefing on what they had found.

Killian pushed open the door to Nemo's office and stepped back so Emma could go first. He grinned when he stepped in front of David, who was about to follow Emma inside. David grumbled something under his breath, but Killian merely said, "Guest first. Ain't that right, mate?" He sauntered into the office and slumped down in the chair next to Emma. She rolled her eyes at his cockiness, but he could also see that she was slightly amused by his antics. These past few days it had been harder to hide that something had changed between them for David and Mary Margaret. They hadn't shared a bed since their road trip home, and Killian was beginning to feel a little restless in regards to his still growing attraction towards Emma. Yet the case did keep them occupied for most of their time, even the days where they'd been living at David's home.

Ruby came in next, her long hair sweeping behind as she rushed to find her seat. Once settled, she looked at the rest of the team and said, "I'm fairly sure Nemo is going to come with something huge." She was practically bouncing in her seat while she kept looking for the boss to arrive.

"How do you know?" Emma asked.

"I spoke with Gabby, you know, lab chick down in the basement..." When Emma nodded, Ruby told them how she'd meet with Gabby, and while she couldn't give any information right there, it seemed to be huge. Killian had no idea who Gabby was, but he just hoped that she was good at what she did.

Finally Nemo strode into the room with a manilla folder under his arm. When he saw that the whole team was assembled, he closed the door. Then he walked to his desk and sat down, steepled his fingers together and looked at them.

"Do we know where Gold is?" David asked and shifted forward in his seat.

"We might—" Nemo looked at the team, one by one, " — but the intel is still fairly weak. We need to confirm that those cargo ships have actually sailed to Scotland."

"Scotland!" everyone said in unison and looked at Nemo.

"What the bloody hell is he doing in Scotland?" Killian asked, his mind trying to think when he'd last heard the man had been in the UK at all. Something triggered his memory, "That bastard hasn't been to the UK in 20 years. Even back then, the Croc was on our watch list and now he dares to go back." Killian had read the old files detailing what MI6 had on the Croc, yet he'd still had no idea what the top secret files said.

"What happened 20 years ago?" Emma asked, her eyes wide. "Oh oh, was that when he got that scaly green skin of his?" She looked around at the group for confirmation on this.

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