Not again

902 20 17

Dream:hahaha I'm back

Everyone was then worried and scared, especially Tommy since he died to dream in the prison.

Eren:Seriously this guy's name is dream if anything he looks like a green bustard.

Dream:oh...3 new faces now who might you guys be?

Irene:we will not tell our names to yo-

Aspen:she is Irene that one is Eren and I'm Aspen.

Irene:seriously Aspen?

Aspen:wha-He Asked!

Dream:Heh it looks like someone is smart enough to listen to me

Dream then moved one step and forward and pulled out a knife,as soon he did everyone pulled out their swords.

Tommy:Techno...why-Why Did You Do This?!?

Technoblade:Tommy...Tommy I'm sorry it was a favo-


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Dream then looks at ranboo and gives him a death glare. were the one who ruined my plan,you were the who screwed up everything,you YOU ARE THE ONE WHO GOT ME STUCK IN PRISON AGAIN!

Dream then runs at ranboo and stabs him...or atleast he thought...


Everyone then looks at the scene that has just been played,as they see a sword through Tommy's stomach with blood on it.

Tommy:no...I won't let anyone else die to you Dream

As Tommy says that deo has tears in eyes from what he just saw.Dream than pulls the blade out and tries to stab ranboo who is behind Tommy,but then gets pulled to the ground stares at the person who he has see technoblade.

Technoblade:How.Dare.You.Hurt.My.LITTE.BROTHER YOU B*TCH!

Technoblade then takes out his sword and takes Dream and his life away.

Tommy then falls down but is caught by deo who is crying at the fact of seeing his beloved husband on the in his arms about to die.

Deo:nonononononono,please please please please get up,please sunshine...please

Tommy:I love you...Deo

As Tommy finishes his sentence his eyelids start to fall down slowly.

Deo:No.No NO!

All of a sudden someone throws a potion at Tommy.Deo looks up and sees Technoblade there staring at Tommy with worried face.

Deo:wha-what did you throw?

Technoblade:a healing potion,don't worry he will be fine he just needs to rest for a while.

Deo:thank much don't thank me,thank them

Technoblade says pointing at the 3 kids.

Eren:we wanted to say hi to techno before the wedding at his cabin but he wasn't there and well...we wanted to prank him

Irene:and by we he means himself doing a prank

Eren:Hey You Helped Me,anyways we decided to prank him by taking his potions,but we were gonna put it back after the wedding

Deo then stares at them with tears in his eyes as he runs to them and hugs them tightly.

Deo:thank you so much,I-i don't know how to repay you guys

Aspen:hmm how about you don't repay us,we don't like to get things from others...well except for Eren

Eren:Hey You Guys Were In The Prank Too!

Deo:now comeon guys I think we should get home,oh and Sam?


Deo:I think we will have to postpone the wedding for now

Sam:oh yeah of course

Heyheyhey author Unii here!I just wanna say sorry for posting late I forgot to write this and I took a nap and woke up at 11:43 pm and my internet is having problems,also the next story is the last chapter sorry that this was short...but I will be writing a new dsmp story the info for it will be in be in the next chapter,anyways hope you wnjoed today's chapter bye!

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