Chapter 1; Up In Flames

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Author's Note:

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I don't own any of the characters nor do I pretend to own any of the characters. Nobody thinks I own any of the characters either, so is this really necessary? Probably not. K bye.

Chapter 1; Up In Flames

Something was burning. The pungent smell was enough to wake Felicity Smoak from her sleep. Although her small room was pitch dark, the thin crack in her door was illuminated by the orange flames that danced on the other side of it. Not yet fully awake, Felicity rolled over groggily, burying her head in her soft pillow.

Then, the smoke alarm went off.

She shot upright, suddenly fully aware of her surroundings. Thick, black, smoke clouded the air, filling her lungs as she gasped in horror. Her beautiful apartment was up in flames.

"You've got to be kidding me!" Felicity groaned, slipping out of bed and crouching to the floor. Her eyes darted around the room, searching for an escape. Unfortunately, they were not too well adjusted to the dark. A mixture of fear and adrenaline lead her to the door, floorboards creaking as she scurried over them.

Felicity let out a yelp as the scorching metal doorknob brushed her hand. She recoiled her injured hand; pulling it to her chest. Her only other option of escape was the window. Feeling lightheaded, Felicity stumbled over to the window and pulled. The jammed frame wouldn't budge.

"I'm going to die." She breathed, cold fear washing over her. Felicity tried to think, knowing that her brain was her most helpful asset. She was nothing short of a genius.

You're out of time, Smoak.

Felicity fell to the floor, chocking on the smoke she desperately inhaled.


Oliver Queen ran a frustrated hand through his hair. As usual, he was late. It was never his intention to be late, but things always seemed to work out that way. This time, he was stuck in traffic. Some apartment building had caught on fire and the whole road was being blocked off. Oliver didn't mean to sound insensitive, but his sister had been arrested for possessing drugs, and he was worried.

Next to him, his phone buzzed. Cringing, he braced himself for a lecture.


"Oliver Jonas Queen, I assume that you're on your way? You are aware that your sister is in custody right now?" Laurel, Oliver's ex girlfriend and friend of the Queen family, half yelled into the phone.

"I'm aware of that, Laurel. I'll be there as soon as I can." He huffed, ending the call with a "click".

A panicked looking firefighter ran I front of Oliver's car, causing him to slam on the brakes.

"There's a woman up there!" Yelled the firefighter, gesturing towards a fiery apartment. Smoke poured out of the windows and flames engulfed the balcony.

Oliver's eyes widened. Someone was still in there?

Within minutes, a blonde woman was hauled out of the burning building, sprawled out on a stretcher. From what Oliver could see, she was breathing raggedly.

Stepping out of his car, Oliver approached the men. All he was going to do was make sure that the lady was alright, and then he could continue on with his day. He had bigger problems.

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