C H A P T E R ⬩ S I X

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C H A P T E R   S I X

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( frosty the snow bitch )


          JASON DIDN'T WANT to leave Leo, but he was starting to think that hanging out with Cal the hockey jock might be the least dangerous option in this place.

As they climbed the icy staircase, Zethes stayed behind them, his blade drawn. The guy might've looked like a disco-era reject, but there was nothing funny about his sword. Jason figured one hit from that thing would probably turn him into a Popsicle.

Then there was the ice princess. Every once in a while she'd turn and give Jason a smile, but there was no warmth in her expression. She regarded Jason like he was an especially interesting science specimen—one she couldn't wait to dissect.

Then she would glare at Malia with such hatred and coldness that Jason was surprised Malia hadn't been frozen solid. However, the daughter of Poseidon just glared back, her lips pulled down in a frown and her hands clenched into fists at her side. Something must've happened between the two of them, he was sure. She'd met the ice princess before, and it had not gone well.

If these were Boreas's kids, Jason wasn't sure he wanted to meet Daddy. Annabeth had told him Boreas was the friendliest of the wind gods. Apparently that meant he didn't kill heroes quite as fast as the others did.

Jason worried that he'd led his friends into a trap. If things went bad, he wasn't sure he could get them out alive. Without thinking about it, he took Malia's hand for reassurance.

The girl's eyes softened from their glare and she gave his hand a soft, gentle squeeze.

"It'll be fine," she promised. "Just a talk, right?"

At the top of the stairs, the ice princess looked back and noticed them holding hands. Her smile faded. Suddenly Jason's hand in Malia's turned ice cold—burning cold. He let go, and his fingers were smoking with frost. So were Malia's. The daughter of Poseidon glared up at the snow princess with such hatred, he thought the girl would explode.

"Warmth is not a good idea here," the princess advised, "especially when I am your best chance of staying alive. Please, this way."

Malia grumbled multiple Greek curses under her breath. "Frosty the snow bitch seriously needs to get her jealousy under control. Gods, I'm gonna stab her one of these days."

Jason chuckled under his breath and nudged her. The two were completely oblivious to Piper watching them with curious eyes as the trio followed after the ice princess, Zethes holding his sword behind them. They followed the ice princess down a massive hallway decked in frosty tapestries.

𝐎𝐂𝐄𝐀𝐍 𝐄𝐘𝐄𝐒 ! [jason grace]¹Where stories live. Discover now