Crazy assholes

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Sam's POV:

I dashed up the stairs to my room and closed the door and flopped on my bed landing on my belly. I turned over onto my back and looked around my room looking for something to do. My eyes landed on the ipod I stole. I grabbed and plugged my ears with the earpieces. I scrolled through my playlists and decided on Hard core metal songs. I clicked it and perfect weapon by Black Veil Brides came on. I hummed quietly to the music. My mind drifted to my mum and brother. Sometimes I wish I had been in the car and had died with them. My life is that bad. I was brought back to reality when I heard a sharp knock on my door. I was actually quite surprised I heard the knock 'coz I had blasted the volume on my ipod so the music was blaring in my ears right now. Oh well...I yanked the earpieces out and thrust the ipod under my pillow before getting up and walking to the door. I pulled it open expecting to see Mrs. Jones and was surprised to see the boys who had come in to adopt with Mrs.Jones behind them glaring at me. Groaning internally I plastered on a fake smile and looked at them expectantly waiting for them to explain why the fuck they where here...yeah I swear a lot.

The one with the buzz haircut smiled brightly at me before saying,"Hi...Im Liam...and this Zayn,Niall,Louis and Harry,"he said and motioned to a boy with a quiff...a boy with blonde wearing suspenders and a shirt with stripes and toms...and one with curly hair.

I smiled brightly at them before saying,"Nice to meet yall...Im" I screamed the last part at them before slamming the door in their faces. I locked the door grinned in satisfaction before skipping slightly to my bed. I plopped down laying on my back and staring at the ceiling foe 2 seconds before I got bored so I squashed my earpieces in my ear an continued the song from where I left off. I nodded my head to the beat and stared at the ceiling. I had only been listening to the song for about 2 minutes when I heard a loud bang. I shot upright from my bed and glaned at the door my eyes nearly popping out...those idiots had broken the door down and they are just walking in like nothing happened...da fuq am I supposed to keep Mrs.Jones and the other assholes in the orphanage out of my room now? I swear im gonna rip their fucking heads off and feed them to crocodiles and then bring them back to life and chop them into train of thoughts were cut off by a voice. That dude with blonde hair...Louis i wait...its niall...yeah niall...right? Oh who cares...anyways he started talking to me...

"Hi Sam. We were wondering if u would talk to us for a while...get to know each other?"

But I wasn't really paying attention...I was more preoccupied with switching between staring at my broken door and glaring at a smug looking Mrs.Jones standing just outside my door. It took all I had to stop myself from lunging at her and ripping her hair off...omigossh i wonder how she would look like bald...thats a great prank idea...anyways for this I would get my revenge later...She wouldn't even know what hit her face...I would probably get punished for what I have in mind for her...but it would totally be worth it. I probably have a really evil glint in my eyes. I quickly schooled my features wiping off all emotion. But when I turned to look at the five boys I couldn't help but let anger seep through my mask. I glared at them hate clear in my eyes.

"What do you assholes want?" I spat at them

I bet if look could kill they would be dead and right now Im wishing that would actually happen and they would drop dead.

"Language" Liam...I think said

"And since when did you become my father?" I asked crossing my arms and raising my eyebrows

"Since I signed the adoption papers fact the five of us are your fathers now"

If I had been drinking water while he said that I would have probably spit it out shock. Soon however the shock slowly morphed into dread and then anger.

"And what makes you think you can just come in here and say...oh I adopted you...pack your stuff and lets go WITHOUT EVEN ASKING ME. DA FUQ IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE?!?! THERE IS NO WAY IN HELL I AM GOING WITH YOU GUYS SO I SUGGEST YOU GET YOUR ARSES OUT OF MY ROOM!!!" I shouted at them

A/N: Hi:)  So I FINALLY uploaded a chapter! YAY! No? Ok. So I'll probably have the next chappie up tmr I think.Yeah tmr:) The video at the side btw...I lurv it alot but not many people have seen it so check it out. Cool? Kay. Bye:))

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