The Blossoming Beelzebub

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‘“Ai, you broke my heart.” Kixx frowns, looking at me. “I had to break you like you did me.” She growls, teal eyes gleaming in the darkness behind her. “Ai, you deserve to die.”

Suddenly, a tattooed hand is wrapped around Kixx’s throat; her fingers clawed at it as she tried to break free. A fleeting look of sheer terror crossed her face. A crazed, blood craving demon stands beside her. His sharp teeth extend and he lurches toward her just as a raven black curtain encircles me, cutting off my vision.

The angel couldn’t protect me from the screams though. I heard everything: her cries, his snarls, the tearing of flesh, the dripping of blood, her body falling to the floor with a heavy thud. The angel’s arms wrap around me and he carries me out into the night sky, cold tears freezing to my skin. My heart screams in agony.’

I bolt upright, sweat beading across my forehead from the nightmare I’d just had. It’s that same dream; over and over again. Why does it keep happening to me? I sigh heavily, trying to catch my breath.

Suddenly, I notice a movement in the corner of my eye. My breath hitches in my throat as a dark figure emerges from the shadows, standing before me. His crimson eyes flash in the night sky, blood red. Panicking, I kick the covers off my body, fighting to bolt from the bed and for the door. A scream escapes my lips as my body is engulfed in the figure’s torso. Fingers wrap around my mouth, muffling my voice.

“Shh! Ai!” The man’s voice whispers, his free hand running through my hair. Tears escape from my tightly squeezed eyes, my body shaking violently. “You’re fine. It was just a bad dream.” He coos.

This voice was familiar. I had heard it so many times in my sleep. His red eyes flashed into my mind, mixing with his spiraling tattoos. Suddenly, all the pieces fit together. It’s the demon from my nightmares; Kyo. He wasn’t lying. But, how could this be? A demon?!

“Get away! Get out of my house!!” I cry, punching his chest with all my might, fearful for my own life. I hear him exhale sharply, running his palm against his skin. I notice his eyes flash angrily, for only a moment.

“You seriously just punched a demon?” He mutters to himself, amusement in his tone.

I vault toward the window, throwing myself into the glass pane. The world outside sleeps soundly as my hot breath fogs the surface. I contemplated shattering and jumping through the window, but his hands were instantly on mine. He turned me to his gaze, concern flashing across his face. But those glowing red eyes of my dreams haunted my thoughts.

“Help!” I whimper, tears rolling down my cheeks as he grips my wrists tightly. He was going to take my life; after all, he was a demon. What other reason would he have to be here? Suddenly, the man backs away, hurt evident in his eyes. His hands return to his sides.

“I’m leaving Ai, okay? I’m sorry!” He frowns, glimpsing at me one last time before vanishing from sight. The sound of crickets and my heavy breathing were now the only thing filling the room.

My heart still beats hard in my chest, fighting its way into my throat. I glance down at my toes, not quite sure where my feet were. My body had gone numb.

Tears still pour from my eyes, but a new pain burrows in my heart. The sense of numb creeps higher, taking over the beating organ and making me feel hollow.

I gag at the sensation, crying in vain. These weren’t tears of fear. This was heartache. I wasn’t sure if this pain was mine…or his. But why did I feel this way? Why did he exist inside me? Why did the thought of hurting him send me into such a spiral? Who was this man who tormented me so?


‘What is wrong with her?’ I think to myself, shaking my head as I squat on the front porch. Her words echo in my mind, stabbing into me and twisting my insides.

‘Did she really not recognize me?’ I sigh, fingers crawling into my hair as thoughts race through my mind. ‘How is it possible for her to forget everything?’ She is so frightened of me. She was never like this before. Her wide eyes and tears haunted my vision. I recall the first time I met her, the night after Die kidnapped the poor girl. She wasn’t even this terrified then.

She and I sat by the pond, our toes dipping into the water. She watched the coy fish swim around her feet intently, ensuring they wouldn’t touch her. I could practically hear her heart thrumming with anxiety. She couldn’t swim, and here we were squat on a bridge in the middle of what seemed to be a bottomless body of water. But it wasn’t the fact that there was a blood crazed demon by her side that sent her pulse roaring. This simple fear of water was what frightened her. She paid no mind to this strange situation she had found herself in. She did not plead to return home. She didn’t try to escape. She was sitting here beside me…a demon. I felt the same thrumming sensation in my own chest.

“I can’t swim either.” I mutter nervously, trying to spark conversation. She glanced over at me, a hesitant smile forming on her lips. That was the first time I saw her smile. It warmed my heart as nothing had before. Even now, the thought of her brought my dead heart to life.

But now, now was a different story. The woman inside was not the Ai I knew. She couldn’t even bring herself to look me in the eyes. I can feel her pulse inside me, sense her own mind spinning in frustration. She breathes heavily, her heart filling my ears; louder and louder. I grip my hair tighter, clenching my teeth. Her emotions spiraling out of control had made me lose my own grip.

“Dammit Ai…” I growl. “Are all women this crazy?!” I nearly yell.

A damp, earthy smell catches my attention. It wasn’t the dirt that distracted me from my thoughts, there was dirt everywhere. The stench of stale, syrupy blood was mixed in with it. It wasn’t fresh, it was dead; coagulated.

I notice a silhouette stumble in the horizon, tripping over its own feet across the street. Thick, matted hair clung to the creature, hanging in clumps. Its body was twisted and stiff. It did not move like any human or beast. It moved as if rigor mortis had set in.

My hair stood on end as I clenched my fingers. This definitely wasn’t a drunk. I could hear it moan in distress, its white sunken eyes quickly landing on me. The creature’s decaying lips twisted back into a snarl, a throaty growl escaping from its mouth before quickly disappearing.

“What was that?” Ai’s voice sounds at my side, startling me. I look up to her, surprised to see her by my side.

“I don’t know…” I mutter honestly. “What are you doing out here?” I question, changing the subject.

“You were frightened…” She answers, her icy eyes meeting mine. I notice her fingers trail over the mark on her wrist as it quivers in fear. It’s now I realize how my own body shakes. “Here…it’s cold.” She grumbles, extending a blanket toward me. I look at her, bewildered. She must have sensed my confusion. “Well you’re obviously not going to leave!” She huffs, crossing her arms over her chest. “I would feel guilty if I found you dead out here tomorrow morning…” Her explanation makes a smirk form on my face.

“Thank you Ai.” She merely rolls her eyes, turning around to go back inside.

“ I’ve been thinking, and I guess we should talk.” She mutters, “But tomorrow. I’m tired tonight.” She grunts, scratching her head nervously. She always did have a habit of fidgeting. Most humans did.

“Sweet dreams then Ai.” I smile genuinely. I notice her cheeks tint a rosy pink before disappearing back inside. I can feel her heart thrum inside my own chest, and clutch it tenderly.

Pandemonium (Sequel to Beasts ft. Kyo vs Die-Dir en Grey)Where stories live. Discover now