Bellamy Blake- Guardian Angel

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Disclaimer mention of alcohol in this chapter.
A/N: would anyone be interested in some anime one-shots here or there? Let me know!

We were going into our first winter on earth. I still had a bummed leg from our time in Mount Weather and yet Jaha insisted we keep our annual traditions the best we could. Which meant a New Years dance and the holiday celebrations.

I waited for Abby to check my motor functions again. The drill the mad doctor had used had pierced my muscle but not deep enough to effect the bone. Thank goodness for Clarke or I'd be dead right now.
"You're healing well but I'll give you another round of antibiotics to be safe," she tossed me some pills and I thanked her as I hopped to the floor.
"Take it easy on yourself okay," she smiled at me and I wavered her off.
"Sure thing Doc," I smirked at her, causing her to roll her eyes
"Seriously Leah, don't push it." I waved her good bye as I limped my way out of the infirmary. I spotted Monty and Jasper not far off the entrance. Jasper hadn't been the same since Mount Weather. None of us had. We all have been trying to survive down here and nothing was going right.
"Hey Leah!," Monty waved me over and I slumped down in the bench next to him. Jasper got up with a cup in his hand and wandered away.
"He's still mad at me I see.." I picked at the new bandage Abby had wrapped.
"He's mad at everyone. Don't take it personally," Monty tried to make me feel better. But if Clarke and Finn didn't do what they did. I wouldn't be standing here right now. A hand tapped my shoulder,
"you look better. Getting around starting to be easier?" Bellamy smiled down at me. The boy made my heart flip.
"Yeah for the most part," I wasn't sure what to say to him these days. I hated his guts from day one. Now I wasn't so sure.
"Hey Monty mind if I have a cup of that?" I pointed to his famous moonshine.
"I mean sure, but should you mix that with your medications right now?" He poured me a cup and Bellamy looked at me with a stern stare.
"I won't tell Abby if you don't," I shrugged. Right now, this place was barely surviving, we had the mountain people and the grounders asking for war. Monty gave in and placed the cup in front of me.
"Don't blame me if you feel like shit tomorrow," I grabbed the cup.
"Trust me, I've been through worse." I gestured to my leg.
Putting the cup to my lips, it was plunked from my hands.
"Yeah no, not tonight princess," Bellamy intervened and I glared.
"Seriously, you're the one who's going to stop me? I expect it from Monty, not you." He handed the cup back to Monty and the said boy got the hint to leave before getting in between us.
"Leah I'm just looking out for you. You know better then this," I scoffed and stood up from my seat. He still stood above me by a stretch but I wasn't going to be talked down too.
"I've looked out for myself since being here. I jumped on that table in replacement to Raven. Don't tell me you're looking out for me." I threatened. I had watched my family be floated weeks before I was dropped to the ground. While everyone was reunited on this god forsaken planet. I had no one.
"Leah if I could have switched with you. You know I would." I rolled my eyes. He was delusional. If that was Octavia in my place then maybe but he was lying to my face.
"Save you sweet words for Jaha," I trotted away from him. My leg burning with pain, letting me know I had over worked myself for the day. But Bellamy had no issues catching up to me.
"I'm not lying to you," I rolled my eyes again.
"You and I both know we've had a thing since being stuck in that cave during the acid fog." We entered my part of the camp which consisted off mostly scrap and tarps.
"We've had nothing. You had your go around with most of the girls here and now you're bored," I stared at him with arms crossed, "I give you a challenge," he sighed.
"You saved O during that attack at the river."
"I didn't do that for you." I corrected and he smirked. I leaned my body against a table to try and take the pressure off my leg.
"Leah you're the toughest girl I've met. I just don't want you to make a decision that will cost you your life," I rose an eyebrow at him, why was he so concerned. He hated me when I agreed with Clarke about the wrist bands. He hated me when I refused to listen to his command. But we did have some decent moments that even led me to be confused about how I felt.
"Bellamy I'm not your responsibility." I corrected and he moved towards me.
"No but someone has to watch out for you." He looked down at me and it took every once of my being to contain myself. He was attractive there wasn't a doubt about it but I had to be reasonable.
"What are you my guardian angel?" I snorted and he smirked down at me.
"I never said I was going I was going to be good," he stroked my arm and his touch sent tingles up my spine.

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