Jax Teller- Unfaithful Part 2

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It had been a few weeks in the hotel, Jax and I had briefly talked. Him checking in to make sure I was still alive. I know how sweet. I was sitting in my car at my job, waiting to finish my break when a knock came to my window. Confused, I rolled the electric window down.
"Can I help you?" I asked the lady who was peering in. She was a short blonde probably in her early 40's.
"Yes, I'm Claudette, I'm sure Tara told you about me," I glared at her and nodded.
"Sadly yes, why are you here?" My finger hovered over the switch, if I felt the need to roll the window up so I didn't have to listen.

"I came to talk to you about Jax. I promise you he hasn't come to see me in the last month of so."

I snorted, "How chivalrous?" She sighed and leaned in the window.
"Sweetheart, I act as a way for mean to feel vulnerable. It started as just a friend situation and I'm sorry I let it get out of hand." I opened my car door and hopped out. So I could talk to her face to face.
"Claudette, as mad as I am at you. You weren't the only women he has slept with since we've been together. That's what made me upset, and it wasn't only once with you. You can agree with me on that," she nodded.
"Sadly yes, and I'm sorry. That boy really does love you. But the stress of his world gets the better of his judgement." I knew she was right, when Jax was stressed he didn't think about the long term effects. Especially in our relationship. But I knew that going in.
"I appreciate you coming all the way to Charming to apologize." She nodded and I told her I needed to get back to work.
"Girly, just don't let his dumb man brain ruin your guys relationship okay. He's an idiot and trust me he knows it."

That night I pondered a lot, I laid in my hotel bed. Missing the feeling of someone sleeping next to me. I missed his warm and his touch. But was I being ridiculous? I mean I shouldn't have retaliated and been the bigger person. That much I admit.
Tossing and turning, I couldn't get Claudette's words out of my mind.

Finally checking my phone it was 10pm and I knew Jax wouldn't be asleep yet. Grabbing my jacket and my wallet, I headed for my car.

The phone rang and rang on my dash board. Hoping he would pick it up, but every time it hit voicemail. Groaning, I pulled into his driveway and the vehicles were home. Sitting in my car for a minute, my mind raced on what I was going to say. I mean we both were in the wrong. We both made bad choices. But how come he wasn't the one showing up on my door step.
I knew why, Jax never begged for anything. He didn't chase, he didn't play games. Things came to him and women were included in that.
Finally mustering up the courage, I locked my car and headed for the door. I knocked, not wanting to wake any kids as it was late at night. Jax answered the door and his face was shocked.
"Hey, what are you doing here?" My heart stopped, he sounded guilty.
"I came to talk, Claudette came to see me and I want to figure stuff out." But the sight behind him made me slow my words. "Tara?" I asked and she held her hands up in surrender.
"I promise I'm only here because Thomas isn't feeling well, so I'm taking the boys for the night." The said boy was in his car seat so my nerves settled.
"I didn't see your car?" I stated and she claimed she had to park it in the neighbours driveway as Jax didn't have room. She excused herself and I walked in as she departed.
"She handled that better then I would've," in my head it was because I trusted Tara oddly enough more then Jax right now but I didn't tell him that.

We sat in silence, until Jax broke it. We were sat on the couches across from each other in the living room.
"I've missed you a lot, and I'm not angry with you anymore." He paused trying to find his words,
"I understand why you did what you did. Because if it was the other way around. I would've done the same. And I'm very sorry I ever put you through that. My head isn't in the right place." He leaned forward with his elbows on his knees. One hand running through his hair. He apologized, that was step one.

Step two, "I'm sorry for my actions too," now to try and hold myself together long enough to spit the words out,
"I shouldn't have done what I did. But all I thought when I found out was that maybe I wasn't good enough. Like you weren't happy with me because I wasn't hot like the escort women, I wasn't smart like Tara, I wasn't apart of your lifestyle," I could hear my voice cracking as I spilled my heart out,
"I'm an accountant, that sits at a desk and crunches numbers every day. Not the most sexy job ever. And I started doubting myself which led me a stray, then this man at the bar showed even the smallest amount of interest and it made me feel like I wasn't appalling." I sighed and the tears willed up in my eyes, whimpers and sobs threatening to come out but I had to hold them in. Hold myself together, Jax watched me and his face was pure sorrow.
"Mel, I didn't know that's how you felt. I knew I fucked up but I didn't know my actions made you doubt yourself." He went reach out and my skin didn't feel like mine. My insecurities taking over. I did want to make this work or at least try to. But would I ever feel special to him? Would I ever feel like he was absolutely in love with me? Or would this all happen again? His hand rested on my knee but I was appalled by myself.
"You are the most beautiful woman. I'm sorry, that I ever made you feel anything less," he reached out to me and I grabbed his hand. He pulled me to his lap, this was the most intimacy we've had in a month.
"Please just be mine again, I promise that I will never hurt you this way again. I'm going to be the man you need me to be,"

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