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'Lily" Tricia shouted from upstairs, i wondered why she was shouting, so i quickly rushed up the stairs thinking she was actually in danger. I rushed up the stairs to her room and saw her putting on some make-up. 'put on the heater' . i didn't know what all the fuss was for, although it was just the beginning of a session of college after orientation. i just didn't want to give her attention . she was so FUCKING annoying at times. yeah , she was my twin but we were nothing alike. I went to my wardrobe and got a yellow chiffon top and some ripped jeans to wear before i rushed into the washroom. i wasn't  going to wait for Tricia although, we were in different departments. i ordered my UBER and just in time i got to school when Mr. Henderson was screaming at the top of his lungs and shouting at me when we saw the principal and he did his normals - PRETEND. 

i was settling down at my desk when the whole class turned their gaze to where the principal was standing and i was also curious to know so i turned my gaze to where the principal was standing and some girls beside me were staring and almost drooling and when i turned i actually turned i almost fell off my seat. i saw someone in a red jacket and some ripped jeans, obviously a BAD BOY!!Everyone was looking around and yeah, he was hot and all,  but it didn't call for this much attention. He introduced himself- his voice deep and hair curled, eyes crystal blue and a defined jawline. He seemed to be disgusted by the much attention that was coming his way, i mean for a bad boy, he should like the fame and popularity, but he didn't- STRANGE, so he decided to rush up the intro.

'hey, I'm harden, transferred from EF Academy Oxford. he paused then looked around and sited me. i felt some pair of eyes on me, so i decided to look, he winked and i bit my lips for me to prevent myself from smiling. i think he had taken it the other way out and thought i may had been trying to seduce him. After class, my stomach growled with hunger, so i decided to stop at IHOP and ordered a chicken fajita and pancakes with a continuous refill of pepsi. i ate and drank like a hungry lion devouring its prey. i just realized i had forgotten my wallet in class and there was still a bill to pay. when i sent for the bill and saw it, my heart SANK! 

'I'LL PAY' a male voice echoed from behind me. i knew this voice, HARDEN.....he brought out his wallet to pay for my debt. i was sure he was stocked with loads of cash . The waiter had collected the the cash and brought the change but  before he could speak, harden interrupted.

'keep it'

before i could thank him he was gone. I didn't know what had just happened , so it was being processed.

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