Chapter 2: Meeting Naruto

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Kiyomi POV

My cooking skills were terrible, and I had no groceries yet, so I decided to go out for dinner. 

However, my peaceful stroll in the village was interrupted by loud shouts from merchants. I saw a blond boy around 5-6 years old being bullied, and one of the merchants threw an animal mask at the boy. 

 I recognized it was Naruto, so I quickly dashed over and stood protectively in front of him with my arms out. "Don't hurt him, he's just a kid!"

The merchant just tsked and growled, "Stay out of this girl, he's a demon brat. He shouldn't even be in this village." I grew a anime vein tick mark on my forehead and I desperately wanted to punch the merchant, but I restrained myself.

I calmed down the merchant by paying for the mask, and then I scooped up a crying Naruto in my arms. I knew this wouldn't help my stance in the village since I was a foreigner, but I would never regret helping Naruto. 

We walked a little further before I set him down, bent down to his level, and said, "Hiya I'm Kiyomi, what's your name boy? Let's be friends!"

He looked at me with his blue orbs and grinned, "Thank you for saving me Kiyomi-neechan! I'm Naruto Uzumaki, I will become Hokage, believe it!"

I chuckled at his response and patted his head. "I believe you Naru-kun. Now do you think you can show me a good place to eat? I am new to this village." I said sheepishly.

He jumped up and down and nodded, "I'll take you to Ichiraku Ramen! It has the best ramen in the world!" Then he grabbed my hand in an iron grip and dragged me to Ichiraku Ramen. Man this kid is strong!

Naruto POV 

I am so lucky to meet Kiyomi-neechan! She is so pretty and nice. But why does she not look at me the same way as the other villagers? 

Ahh too much thinking. Let's get ramen first!

I dragged her to Ichiraku Ramen and shouted "Ojisan, two bowls of miso ramen please!"

Teuchi-san said, "Right away Naruto! Who's your new friend though?"

"This neechan saved me from the bullies! She's sooo cooooll!" I stressed.

Kiyomi POV

I laughed at Naruto as he sped through 3 bowls of ramen while I just started my first one. My mouth watered at the bowl of ramen in front of me. It smelled so heavenly and I dug in right away.

 It smelled so heavenly and I dug in right away

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Naruto was not kidding. It was the best ramen I have ever tasted, like a Michelin 5 star restaurant. I would definitely come back again.

Once we were done, I paid for my and Naruto's ramen, and we left.

"Naru-kun, do you want me to walk you home? Where do you live?" I asked. "There neechan!" he pointed to the round building across from us, and my eyes widened. That's where I live too!

And guess what, WE WERE NEIGHBORS!

Hokage POV

I used my crystal ball to watch Naruto, and to my surprise I saw Kiyomi with him, laughing and chatting. Maybe she will be good for him. It was a good idea to make them neighbors.

 It was a good idea to make them neighbors

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