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I didn't know when my last meal had been

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I didn't know when my last meal had been. But my stomach was telling me that it was time to eat again. The night was dark and it seemed to me that it was around dinner time.

"We should get something to eat." Peter chuckled slightly after my stomach made a loud noise that interrupted our conversation.

I got up and gave him my hand to help him to his feet as well. His hand grabbed mine but he barely supported any of his weight on me. He had that dorky crooked smile playing on his lips.

He reminded me so much of him but they were polar opposites at the same time. There were certain facial expressions, certain ticks that made them look so much alike but this Peter was so much more carefree, so much more playful than my Peter. Maybe because he didn't endure the torture we did or he didn't have the same responsibilities we had. This Peter was a breath of fresh air, he seemed so naive but still mature. He was playful but yet a gentleman. He was basically the perfect balance between responsibility and being a teenager.

"Are you ok?" He asked me with his eyebrows slightly furrowed. That's when I realized that I was probably staring at him for too long. He probably thinks I'm weird as hell.

"Uh.. yeah!" I play it off. "Let's go!" I tell him right before throwing one of my webs in the direction of one of the buildings so that I could swing on it.

"Oh it's so cool to finally have someone to do this with." He screamed as he caught up to me.

We swung through a couple tall buildings, most of them were offices that had already closed for the night, some were apartment complexes but no one seemed to be noticing the two crazy people who were basically flying by their windows.

I stopped in the rooftop of a random company laughing and catching my breath, because of my sudden stop, Peter came crashing on me and we both hit the floor in a loud thud. My stomach landed on a soft surface and I noticed that Peter flipped us over so that he would take the hardest crash towards the ground. We were both laughing like maniacs, I felt his chest going up and down rapidly as he was also trying to catch his breath.

"Why did you do that?" Peter could barely get the words out between his laughs.

I roll over to my side, getting off of the boy but remaining close to his body. Our arms kept in contact while we were both laying on our backs contemplating the starry night still trying to tame our chuckles. A huge grin played in my lips. I haven't felt this carefree in awhile. Even though I was in the weirdest situation ever, I couldn't stop myself from feeling like a little kid all over again. Not that I enjoyed a lot of my youth but this is what I assumed it would feel like.

"I don't know." I laugh again. "We didn't even agree on where we are going to eat."

I turn my head to look at him only to find him with his eyes already on me. He still had that playful smile, that was growing on me, plastered on his face. He didn't budge though. He barely seemed fazed that I caught him staring at me.

"I know a place." Peter told me. "I mean if it still exists..." He shrugs.

"It's not funny, Peter!" I hit him lightly on the shoulder while a chuckle inevitably leaves my lips.

"C'mon I'll take us there." Peter says as he stands up, dusting off his pants from the not so clean roof we were laying in.

"What do you-" I start asking but cut off by Peter's hands lifting me up.

One of his arms was looped under my knees while the other was balancing my upper body. Instinctively, my arms hold onto his broad shoulders tightly. Our faces were so close that I could feel his breath hitting the bridge of my nose. I was too embarrassed to look up into his eyes so I just kept my gaze trained on the huge spider that adorned the chest area of his suit.

"Put me down! Have you forgotten I can also do that?" I quipped as soon as I felt his feet disconnecting from the ground.

I readjust my position around him in a way that I knew would be more comfortable for him. My legs kicked off his arm lightly and I crossed them around his torso and behind his back so that I had more security and also so that I wasn't putting too much pressure on Peter's arm so that he was more free to use it for launching the webs.

"Old habits." He shrugs. I look up at him and see the faint smile and his eyes focused on leading us the right way. His smile didn't look the same as before, it was sadder, less radiant. I guess we all have some skeletons in the closet.

Peter spares me a quick glance paired up with one of his seductive grins for a few seconds before returning his full attention to the city ahead of us. A few seconds passed before I felt the ground becoming closer to our feet as Peter lowered us to a stop in a dark alley. I guess dark alleys were all Spider-Mans favorite spot. Changing in and out of our suit in front of a crowd sure wasn't the best idea.

"Can you turn around so I can change?" Peter tumbles on his words, seemingly embarrassed by his request.

"Yeah. Sure!" My voice also sounds weirdly tense as I turn my back to the boy. "You have a change of clothes with you?" I bite my lip, cursing myself for asking that. It sounded weird.

"Yeah. In my backpack." He replied and I could hear the shuffle and breathy noises he was making as he took out the tight suit.

I look at the wall in front of me for what seemed like hours and in reality we're just a few minutes. Why did it feel so awkward? Maybe because we met like three hours ago.

"You don't have this type of technology?" I ask him once he tells me that I can face him again.

I press the big red button on the wristband I keep with me at all times and my suit appears around me, covering every last bit of my identity. Our suits were a bit different. The colors were inverted, where his was red mine was blue and where his was blue mine was red. Also the spider on his chest was dark black while mine was a pure white surrounded by baby blue stitching.

"That is cool." Peter gasped.

"I think you better start investing in some of this technology." I joked before pressing the button that made the suit retract, exposing my daily life clothes.

monsters of the past; peter parker Where stories live. Discover now