Chapter 23 - Shatter

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Nathaniel's POV

She got up, gently pushing me aside so she could walk away. But I knew I wouldn't let her leave this time. 

"I'm sorry Ara, I'm not good. But if you let me, I promise I'll be good to you." I said, meaning every word. I hoped she could feel my sincerity, it was a promise I wanted to keep till my last breath.

I got on my feet, ready to walk over to her. But she stopped me, "No, don't come closer."

I noticed the slight tremble in her back as she tried to muffle her cry, her right hand reaching to her cheek to wipe her tears away.

I wanted more than anything to reach out to her, to run my hands over her soft cheeks and kiss her tears away. I wanted to press her body against mine, and feel her soft curves moulding perfectly against my torso. But I decided against it, she told me not to come close. If me staying away made her feel better, I would restrain myself. 

So instead, I watched as she left the room. Not even turning to give me a second glance. 


I didn't bother knocking, pushing open the door to be greeted by a room illuminated by sunshine. Parts of the ceiling were made of glass, allowing just enough light to enter. The walls were painted in light hues of green, and small potted plants hung from wooden panels. The whole interior screamed Benjamin and his love for nature. His taste was definitely.... unique.

"Cousin," he greeted with a stiff smile as he grabbed a shirt by a chair to slip into. 

"How are you?" I returned a false smile. 

"I'm well. And you?"

"I'm fine." I lied. "Why didn't I see you at the meeting today?"

"About that, I overslept... My apologies." 

Liar. I thought. 

I eyed him, watching him fidget uncomfortably. Even though we were cousins, I was superior to him and he knew that. It was in our blood, it was in him to admire and respect his King as all my other subjects do. 

"Where did you take her yesterday?" I cut to the chase.

He seemed slightly taken aback by my question, but cleared his throat and answered. "I took her to the city, I thought she would be bored being kept in the castle for so long." He replied confidently. Had he practiced this?

"Why did you take the horses? You could have taken the car." I knew he didn't use the car because they were all secured with GPS systems.

"She likes horse riding. Don't you know?" He replied lightly. But I knew what he meant. The realisation that he would know Ara better than I did hurt my pride.

I could feel the veins on the sides of my forehead expanding, my neck starting to feel warmer as the anger grew inside me.

"You know her well then?" I asked, cocking my head to the side.

"Well enough."

"What exactly do you think you're doing?" I clenched, and unclenched my fists. Jealousy was swirling inside me, I wanted to rip his head off.

"We're friends." 

"Do you take me for a fool, Benjamin?" I said as calmly as I could. "You are never to speak to her again. You are not to even be in her presence. Have I made that clear?"

"I am not a little boy anymore. You can't order me around like you used to." He met my eyes with a viciousness I have never seen in him before. He was challenging me. When did he become this defiant? I felt like a father dealing with a rebellious teenager. 

My bottled up anger exploded, and I pushed him across the room in vampire speed, holding him in a neck choke against the wall. It was enough to kill a human, but only inflict pain on a vampire like him.

"Do not try me, Benjamin." 

He placed his palms on my chest and pushed me away, but I grabbed him back and slammed him onto the ground. Sitting on his stomach I delivered a powerful fist across his left cheek. 

He managed to push me off him, punching me in the stomach. He was stronger than I remembered, but not nearly strong enough. I grabbed him by the back of his neck and kneed him in the torso.He groaned in pain and fell to the floor.

I turned my back to him, wanting this to be the end of the fight. But he got up and charged towards me, his blue orbs blazing with hate. He punched me in the jaw, and I felt the famillar taste of blood in my mouth. 

I was losing control. My hands shaked in anger, it felt like a storm inside me. My stomach was nauseous and burning with fury, every molecule in my body was vibrating with rage. The pots of plants hanging above me started vibrating in the same fiery energy.

Noticing this, Benjamin took a step back and then two. He had seen this happening before.

Then, in a split of a moment, cracks ran through the glass ceiling. I watched the fragmented pieces hang in the air before raining down onto the ground. The cuts on both our faces healed as it appeared, as if it was never there in the first place. And silence overcame us. 

I was a freak. 

"You should leave." Benjamin broke the quiet.

And I knew I had lost my best friend. I was losing everything.


I walked solemnly back to my office, not even bothering to fix the tears in my shirt or my hair. Xavier was waiting by my door, ready to give me any latest updates.

He widened his eyes slightly at my state of being, but mentioned nothing. I invited him into the office, and he started briefing me as if everything was per normal. That was what I liked about Xavier, he was capable, professional and as brutal as I was.

"We have captured several werewolves, as you ordered. They are ready to be sent into the castle prisons for questioning at any moment."

"No, don't send them in." I didn't want them smelling Ara in this castle. "I will go to them."

"Are you sure, my King? It would take at least a 2 day journey to the Heiken Prison and back."

"Yes. Arrange it for tomorrow." Both Ara and I could use some space for now, I thought.

I watched as he jotted down something on his journal. Running his finger through the pages as he usually did. 

"If there's nothing else, you may leave." I reached my fingers up to my temple, rubbing it to alleviate the headache that was forming.

Xavier took his cue and exited quietly, leaving me alone. The wounds from the fight earlier had completely healed, even the aches were gone, and all I was left with was a numb, empty feeling. 

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