Ch. 10: If You Need Me

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"If you need me, I wantcha to call me. Said if you need me, all ya gotta do is call me. Don't wait too long if things go wrong. I'll be home, who a-oh-oh, home. If you want me, send for me. I said if you want me, want, all ya gotta do is send for me. Don't wait too long, just a pick up your phone. And I'll (hurry home where I belong)" - Solomon Burke

As things go, the aftermath of Ezekiel Sims and his hurricane through your life could have been worse. 

A few things happened rather quickly following the Avengers and the authorities finally making their way to the scene of the crime. Felicia disappeared, as she always did, and Cindy was quick to hide along with her. Harry's body was recovered, and Loki hugged you so tightly when he finally arrived that you thought he might break you or never let you go.

Pulling you away only at arm's length, Loki gave you a stern look, "I have just been granted the pleasure of having you as a niece," he told you, attempting to hide the emotion in his voice, "And if you cut that time short doing something incredibly asinine, I will kill you myself."

"I understand," you nodded. Tears welled in your eyes at his fierce protectiveness. Your time abroad with him in Tønsberg felt so far away now, and yet that same feeling of Loki's vigilant but loving attentive protection was stronger than ever. You returned with him to the embassy once you were cleared to leave the scene and the two of you spent the next few hours late into the night talking about your experience with the mace and how you felt you fit into New Asgard's future. 

Peter spent a night in the Night Clinic - both hiding and healing. It was around three in the morning when he finally started to feel his body start to fully mend itself. Linda was beside herself and muttering the entire time as she tended to him, but Lazlo comforted her and Peter once more reminded her that sometimes getting beat to an inch of your life was just the way things went. 

"How's Jessica?" he asked as Linda took his vitals once more.

"Brain manipulation is a tricky thing. It's difficult to spot, but she's going to be okay. It's more the trauma of it and not remembering doing anything. Loss of control is far scarier than any physical injury," Linda said, "But we're going to provide Jessica with everything she needs to feel safe."

Peter reached out and grasped Linda's hand, kissing the back of it. "You're better than all of us," he told her. Linda flushed and rolled her eyes. 

"You're still that dorky little brat from high school band that I remember," Linda told him, pushing his forehead back and causing Peter to smile. 

May stayed with him for a bit and Peter caught her up on what had happened. Cindy stayed the night with Jessica. Miles - fearless and triumphant Miles who had grown up more in the past day than he had in all the time Peter had known him - went back home and spent the night lying awake in his childhood bedroom. 

Peter made a note to check in on the kid at the first opportunity he had. 

But with the battle won, not everything was resolved. 

"You're going to need a lawyer," Lazlo rubbed his forehead and looked at Peter with an annoyed expression as the morning turned to dawn, "Treason against the government isn't exactly a light charge."

"Yeah well," Peter winced as he sat up a bit and adjusted the blanket on his lap, "Something tells me, Laz, that you know a lawyer who would be more than willing to represent me and fully understand ... my side of things."

Lazlo stared back at Peter with steely eyes, but Peter simply sat and stared back at him, subtly challenging your friend.

"How long have you known?" Lazlo finally asked tersely, obviously annoyed.

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