Chapter 10: We Said No Offerings!

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Omegas POV

At 11:59, the last team stopped sparring. At 12:00, 4 whistles sounded in-sync. At 12:02, campers and Angels alike were sitting in the dining pavillon eating. 12:05 was when it all went wrong. We don't need to burn food for the gods. Or the titans, or the primordials. Well the campers noticed. "You better burn food for the gods. Do it or Zeus will smite you," Annabeth stated. I smirked and started to reply, but Jester and Prankster beat me to it.

"We don't-" said Prankster.

"Because-" added Jester.

"A" they said together.

"We don't worship the gods. We are also more powerful than Zeus. We can defeat all the gods and titans without breaking a sweat," Prankster said again.

"And B" they said together.

"The primordials hate it when we burn food for them. Watch and learn," said Jester. They walked up to the brazier. To the Primordials they mind-messaged. I knew they did it to get me angry. Seconds later, a horrible smell wafted to me. All of the sudden, there were 12 angry primmordals on the pavillon. Me included.

"Jester, Prankster! How many times do we have to tell you NOT burn food for us! It smells so bad! Remember what happened last time? You burned so much it stunk up the entire palace! For a WEEK! We couldn't go in for a week! The place was wrecked when we got back" exclaimed Nyx.

Jester and Prankster looked down with sad looks on their faces then came up grinning. "Aw, but Nyx! They were getting mad at us for not burning food to the gods!" they yelled together. At this, the primordials burst out laughing, all anger forgotten.

"To-to the gods?!" asked Erebus. All the Angels nodded. The primordials laughed again.

"Oh!" shouted someone. That someone was Leo. "While they are here, Omega, I am very, very, VERY angry. Why did you have Piper come to watch an angry Beauty trample Forge and not the rest of us?"

I shrunk in my seat sarcastically. I was hoping that this wouldn't get out. Especially the primordials. They love seeing the Angels fight each other. Also, Leo just revealed him and Piper. All the primordials heads snapped in my direction, their faces angry. "What!" Aether demanded. I tried to speak, but Annabeth cut me off.

"Leo, what do you mean the rest of us? And Piper, why were you in the Angels cabin? You aren't an Angel or a primmordal," said Annabeth.

Piper stood up slowly. "Remember that new angel that was added yesterday? That's me. Close your eyes." Everyone did tentatively. She flashed into her cloak and her wings came out. Eyes opened and there were gasps all around the pavillon, Chiron had the loudest.

"Piper, why are you going with them? You could be killed!" he said sadly.

"I want to, Chiron! Everyone here betrayed Percy, including me. Luckily, they," she spread her arms, motioning to the Angels, "said Percy forgave Leo, Frank, Calypso, and I before he died. He was good friends with them," she said. A tear rolled down Chirons cheek.

"If it is just you two, I guess it is Ok. You need to choose a new cabin counselor each. Pack your bags and go to the Chaos cabin, I guess that's where you're staying now," he said with a sigh.

Frank stepped up and bit his lip. "Actually, they aren't the only two who are angels,' he said. He willed his wings to appear. More gasps were heard.

"You too?" asked Chiron. His sadness had turned to anger. "Why? Why are you stealing our campers? All you want is to have more people die. Frank, choose someone to replace you as praetor. Pack your bags after that," he said with a scowl.

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