Chapter 12: I Get Kidnapped By My Uncle And Then Fight Him.

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Percy POV

I really hope that the Angels and my family know what is happening. Yes, I know they were watching me. I could feel their presence, but I think End was too happy to notice it. I felt their presence leave as he unchained me and healed all my wounds. He took me to my Aunt who had that same look in her eye. It was her eye color, but was glazed over, to the point you could barely tell what her eye color was. Anyway, my Uncle took me to her. "Oh Percy! I am so glad that you decided to join us! I couldn't handle you out there being tortured," she said in a sicily sweet voice. She snapped her fingers and a blood red cloak appeared on me. Under it were my normal weapons, throwing knives, swords, guns, the whole shebang. Though it was all in blood red. My armor, instead of being galaxy, it was marbled with different shades of red.

I was snapped back to reality when End said, "Come, we will introduce you to our army, This is only the sector demigods and aliens, the monsters are back on Earth. We will attack in one and a half days time. We are giving you a day to get to know this part of the army, we leave tomorrow night, unless you are powerful enough to open a portal for the entire army..." he implied.

I decided to not tell him of my power.

"No, that was one of the next things that Chaos was going to teach me after we left Earth," I replied evenly. He nodded. He pushed open a door to a room. There were many people crowded in the small room. They were in a blob and carried weapons ranging from swords to hand-held machine guns. When they saw End and Beginning, they all bowed low and got into sections. Bows, guns, swords, spears and shields, they had it all, I only hope that Reyna and the rest of the Angels plus army could teach the campers what to do.

"Army!" End yelled. "This is your new commander, Percy Jackson!"

"I actually go by Omega now, that old name brings back to many bad memories," I whispered to him. He nodded.

"I see, I see." He mumbled. "Correction, you will call him Commander Omega," he mended.

"Yes sir," they chanted back. He nodded. "Commander Omega, I will leave you to linger with the army. Army, do not anger him, he could destroy you in seconds," End added.

"Yes sir," the army chanted again. End nodded and walked out. The army went back to the blob they were in before we arrived. A member came up to me and whispered in my ear.

"I can't believe you would betray Lord Chaos, he was your father!" He whisper-yelled. I guessed he was a spy. He walked away with his head down, so I couldn't see his face. I sighed. So this is what the army thought of me now. I knew I would never fully gain back their trust. I just had to try to win back their trust later, I would most likely have to step down from my position as commander, but anything to get the army to see that I am loyal.

——Time Skip brought you you by Damesen——

After I finished getting to know the army, I was shown my room. There were many maids that had scars everywhere. I found out that they were all mostly forced to do this. They were mostly all loyal to My father, but were too afraid to show it. They said that Order had captured their families and said that if they didn't come to be in the army, they would all die. The maids were probably the wives of the soldiers. I had to figure out how to help them escape, as well as free my Aunt and Uncle out from the curse they are under. I sighed as I arrived at my room. I took off my cloak and armor till I was just in my shirt and shorts. I finally looked around my room. There was a bed, a dresser, and a closet/ bathroom. It was much smaller than my room back at Chaos' palace. I couldn't wait to see Reyna. I was only here for about a day and I was already missing my family and friends. I sighed and slid into bed. As soon as my head hit the pillow I went into a restless sleep.

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