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So my goal was to complete this book before the new year and I can gladly say- I DID IT 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

I'm really thankful for anyone who read this book while I was publishing even though I know I did suck- basically going missing for months at a time.  I wrote this book during quarantine when I was getting obsessed with superheroes and comics and decided a desi vigilante was something I really wanted to see. I apologise a million for all my grammar errors- i know there is so much lmao- thanks for pulling though.

I wrote Sarvani as this completely flawed and driven to a fault character with a savior complex which I can sometimes find a bit too relatable, and if anyone out there does to- I advise therapy- but also same lol.

Further info- there won't be a sequel though I do have thoughts for a spin off involving my girl Genevieve whom I adore.  I'm not entirely sure about anything and I haven't written anything either so...

I do, however, have some other new books in the works and will probably publish those once I'm finished.

Again, thank you guess so much for reading whether it was during my awfully inconsistent publishing or after the fact, I appreciate every vote and comment. Thanks guys!!

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