Chapter 1: Valak Mountain

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((A/N: Do not, and I mean do NOT read this if you haven't at least beaten Egil (preferably beaten both of the Big Bad Villain's disciples though) or watched a walkthrough up to the point where the person who played did. If you read regardless, this is filled to the brim with spoilers. You have been warned.))

Lord Zanza had better find one of these Homs suitable. Ain't no way I'll be able to convince another group to cross this godforsaken wasteland. I don't care how much of a "natural wonder" this place is supposed to be, it's bloody freezing. As I trudge through the snow, a giant tower comes into view. Harict Chapel shouldn't be far. Good thing too, else the expedition party probably would've frozen to death before even reaching him.

If the footprints in the snow are any indication, they should be there by now. Gotta give it to them Homs, they're stubborn. I tried sending some High Entia out here once, and they were complete and utter pansies. Took two steps onto the mountain and ran back to Alcamoth as fast as their legs would carry them. Can hardly blame them though. Valak mountain was and is harsh. I still can't believe how quick these Homs were to set out, and with a kid no less.

The kid. Wonder if he did okay. His parents probably wouldn't let anything happen to him. Although, they were the ones who brought him along in the first place...

What do I care? A couple Homs being incompetent with their kid is none of my concern. I'm just here to make sure Lord Zanza gets his vessel. Don't matter what happens to the rest.

Ah, there it is. Harict Chapel. Yep, looks like they made it. Ugh, as much as I prefer looking like a Homs, this body's weak when it comes to moving the old structures. Still, can't risk any of 'em seeing me. Can you imagine? Some'a these scientist-types are scared of their own shadow; a Giant would probably give 'em a heart attack. With my luck, it'd be Lord Zanza's vessel too. I can't help but wonder what'll happen when he gets his vessel. Will he be in full control? Or will I have to pretend to care?

It's a hard push, but the door gives. Everyone must be huddled in the-


Corpses. The lot of them bloody cold corpses. He sucked the life right out of them. Hope he likes waiting for this to be forgotten. Stubborn as the Homs are, an entire expedition team of 10 meeting an untimely end ain't gonna blow over any time soon. I crouch by one of the bodies. Yep, gone from the world. Cold and stiff, and not even the faintest hint of a pulse. Sometimes I worry. It was easy for him. Easy to kill them all from confinement in a sword. He could get rid of me at any time if I stepped out of line. Not that he would. It's hard to find beings working towards the destruction of everything but themselves.

I get up stiffly. Can't think like that, especially when he can probably hear it.

Speak of the devil- er god. The Monado's glowing- probably 'cause of the ether he stole. He's summoning me. I walk towards it, although it takes some effort. Curse this all too Homs weakness. If it wasn't for him needing a vessel, I would've hightailed it out of those blasted colonies centuries ago. At the foot of its pedestal, another corpse. I'm surprised any of them made it that close.

...It's the kid. And he's alive.

The kid's breathing, and that means Lord Zanza got his wish. Good, less work for me. I feel... relieved? And not because of Zanza? Why? Whatever. Zanza's return is coming, and soon-

He has to mature as a vessel. Be patient.

Charming. I hate waiting. Guess I'll have to take him back with me. This won't be too bad though. As long as I remember my place, it'll be fine. Actually, I'm kinda looking forward to it. The idea of bossing Zanza around, even if he's dormant, is pretty funny. It's just a question of what I call him.

Don't get any ideas. And Shulk, it's common. Forgettable.

That's a touch harsh, but fine. Shulk it is. I can't help it. For the first time in decades, I smile. I pick the boy up. It's gonna be a long walk back to Colony 9, and even harder than the trip out because of the dead weight, but this is the start of something big. He pulls close to me, still unconscious. I realize that it's only because I'm warmer, but it still warms this cold heart a bit. Maybe Homs aren't so bad.

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