Chapter 2: Sword Valley

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I never thought I'd get involved in this war, but that Egil's smart. Trying to starve Lord Zanza out is honestly a pretty good tactic. I also never though anyone other than Shulk would be able to wield the Monado, but desperate times call for desperate measures. If I'm honest, I'm amazed Dunban hasn't dropped dead. Zanza may not want to help the Homs, but it's better than starving to death.

Even so, it's obvious that the beast Dunban isn't meant to wield the Monado. He's getting sloppy. He's in pain. I feel bad for him. Maybe that's why I stay. Dunno what Mumkhar's staying for. The coward would be more than happy to get the scamper off with the rest of the corps. Still, I'm sure Dunban is happy for the support, however unwilling. Wave after wave is advancing on us, and it's a miracle that only three people are holding up this well.

... I just had to open my mouth.

Mumkhar is sniveling like a wimp. I hate to admit it, but this time it actually makes sense. "You gotta be kidding me..." He mumbles. For once in my life, I agree. I'm out of breath already, and the beast and Mumkhar aren't doing much better.

"It's their main force. Looks like the Mechon are hell-bent on taking us out." I say. We're dead. It'd take a miracle for us to survive this.

"They'll have to be if they want to beat us." Always the hero, Dunban seems so sure. It's be funny if our lives didn't depend on what we do right now. "Now, let's even the odds a bit." He's getting cocky, but I'll tolerate it if it gets us out of here in one piece.

"...You heard him." I smirk a bit. If we're gonna die, we're gonna take out as many of these damn metal demons as we can. Mumkhar is still hesitant, the coward. He'll follow us anyway though. It's a better alternative to dying.

Dunban activates the Monado and it starts glowing again. The fool probably thinks it's his power giving us a chance. "Dickson, Mumkhar, let's do this!" Using one of the Monado's arts, my weapon and Mumkhar's are enchanted. Maybe now we actually stand a chance. All three of us charge, and we actually manage to thin their ranks a bit. Mumkhar and I are holding our own, even if it's nothin compared to Dunban and the Monado.

I've got one pinned, letting lose a full ether cartridge in its... face? Dunno, don't care, but it goes down. Suddenly, there's a shout. Dunban's on his knees. The beast can't hold up like this, not much longer.

...Especially not with that big one creeping up on him. "Dunban!" I call out. If he goes down, we're all dead. I'm running full tilt before I can even process the complete consequences of what I'm about to do. Probably for the best; over thinking never got me anywhere. I jump right between him and that metal demon's claw. Damn that stings! Still, it gives me just the right opening to shoot the Mechon and get it off of me and Dunban. It takes all the strength this Homs form can muster, but I manage. "I ain't going down that easily."

I'm a bit breathless by the time I get back on top of the pile of Mechon corpses."Dunban," I call again, "you alright?!"

He's managed to sit up after collapsing, but he's still obviously in pain and breathing heavy. Still, he gives that ever-so-confident smirk and manages to get out "What does it look like? I'm still good to go!"

Stupid beast. I don't bother asking, I just grab his arm and pull it around my shoulder. It's time to at least pull back a bit. I can head Mumkhar laughing like a maniac as we climb of of that scrap heap. Suddenly, he takes off. That idiotic coward. "Mumkhar! What are you doing?" Dunban shouts, "That way is-"

The coward cuts him off, sounding far too triumphant. "Sorry brothers! Hate to drop this on you, but it's the Monado they're after. So have fun keeping 'em occupied for me! I'm getting the hell out of here!"

I'm furious at this point. "Mumkhar! You dirty-!" And this time, he cuts me off. I wanna cut him in two.

"Don't worry." He laughs again, "I'll organize your funerals!" It takes all my self control not to drop Dunban and go kill that traitor myself. "Well, see ya boys!" And he's gone like a shot.

"Wait!" This Homs 'empathy' overcomes me. I need to warn him that-

Is that an energy blast? Yes. Yes it is. Somehow, I manage to get myself and Dunban out of its path. It's source? The absolutely massive Mechon emerging from Galahad Fortress. "If this is a joke, it ain't funny..." I mumble. I'm only half acting when it comes to my fear. I know that if worse comes to worst and Dunban dies, I can fight as a Giant and escape relatively unscathed but... I don't want that to happen. "I guess this is it... At least we know our luck can't get any worse from here." I'm expecting Dunban to say something. Anything. Instead, he takes a deep breath and stands up. "Dunban?"

"Dickson, take care of the survivors." I've never heard him more determined. The Monado is active and the beast is raring to go.

"Dunban, what are you playing at?!" He's not gonna- is he?

There's a scream from the path Mumkhar took off down. "No! No no no!" Guess he found the route the Mechon reinforcements were sneaking through like we tried to warn him about. Serves him right.

Dunban on the other hand... "Vile Mechon..." he murmurs, "If you think the Homs, the people of Bionis, are just waiting for you to pick us off, you are sorely mistaken!" I'm resolved. If Dunban's going to do this, I am too. We charge, and be it by Zanza's hand or some miracle, we start cutting the final wave down. It's taking an even greater toll on Dunban though. Even though we're fighting better than ever, Dunban is fading... fast. We protect each other, even if it lands us in a tricky spot.

Hundreds of Mechon fall before the torrent stops. Once it does, the entirety of Sword Valley is deathly still. I look at Dunban, relieved, but he's already started wavering. I rush to grab him before he hits the ground. In some ways... Homs are much better than Giants.

I spend a few minutes in sheer panic before I hear them. Med ships are flying in, and, thankfully, fast. I stare at Dunban a bit before he's hauled off by one of the medics from Colony Six- a young girl who's looking determined. Strange patterns of burns snake up Dunban's right arm. It'll be a miracle if he survives, and an even bigger one if he manages to get use of that arm again. She shoots an ether cartridge into the air before reaching us. Dunno how much it's doing for Dunban, but I'm already feeling better. She, along with a crew and a stretcher, arrives and hauls Dunban into the nearest med pod.

More crews comb the valley for survivors, while another medic tries to help me up. "Nah," I say brushing him off, "I might be old, but I'm not feeble yet." I stand up and limp my way to another ship. For all my bravado though, I pass out once the ship is in the air and stay out until we touch back down in Colony Nine. As I step out, I see Shulk and Fiora hovering around Dunban. He's awake now, and I'm relieved, but now, I just wanna go home and sleep this off. I'll answer all the questions Shulk is sure to have later, right now, I need a bed and a nap...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2016 ⏰

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