Prouloge-part 1 《New Day》

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Your eyes fluttered as you woke up..
It was a regular day for you.Nothing so special.
You almost got up and removed the curtains to see the view outside.It was morning already.Birds were cherping.
The sky was a bit cloudy but you can see the sun shining brightly.
As you get up from your bed you glanced at the clock to check the time.
"Oh it's already 7;00 am.Better be hurry and get ready for school I guess?"you said to yourself as you get down from your bed.

first day at Hope peak's won't be that bad right.

"I wonder if they actually require uniforms."you said as you put on your clothes and get ready for your first day and the new start.
As you went to the dining hall you felt a bit odd.
"Hmm weird...where is mom? If not here..Perhaps she is in the bathroom or kitchen I believe."
You went across the table as you take a chair and sit down neatly.
You kept waiting for your mother to show up,since she always greets you in morning.

"Ugh it's useless to wait for her to show up I will just go by myself. I will just leave a note for her"you sighed said as you get a bit annoyed and decided to leave.

"Oh man I can't believe I actually got accepted to Hope peak's- LIKE FRICKIN HOPE'S PEAK'S ACADEMY!! It almost feels like I am a celebrity of some sort.I walked steadily as I finally reach the front gate of the most famous and exclusive academy of japan for those who were incredibly talented.
I pull the gates and then stepped inside
It almost feels like a dream.A really dream come true it is. I still can't believe it."

"Hmm Class 77-b? Isn't it?"you wondered looking through the hallways.
"Ah yes found it"you excimed looking at the label on your left.
"Ok just breathe.. Everything is going to be just fine..."you blurted out taking very long deep breaths.
You pull the door and finally entered.Seeing a lot of students present there already.But there was no sign of a teacher.You looked around and examine everyone's current looks.There was girl standing in Front in awe.She had very long blonde hair with a red bow.She was also really tall,pale and gorgeous.It almost felt like she was royality.You were too nervous to greet her,since you were new and it will take you a bit to adjust things around here.You noticed a guy with rather dyed hair.It was pink and he seemed to be a mechanic of some sort.You also saw another person with two pigtails and wearing a very bright kimono.She seemed to look like a kid but you quickly brush it off.You thought not to judge your classmates that fast.

Suddenly you felt a hand around your shoulder.Getting a tingly feeling you look behind to see a guy with creamy white messy hair.He stared with you with a faint smile on his face.You almost felt like he was judging you but immediately without making the moment more awkward.You moved your lips to speak.
"Umm hello? Uh Is there anything you need?"you spoke up to him.
The boy then glares at you narrowing his eyes.

"Ah yes my apologies about that.It seems we haven't been introduced yet."

"I am Komaeda Nagito.And my talent really doesn't matter since it's not really a talent.But I guess I am called the Super
highschool level Luckstar."

"Oh um it's really nice to meet you Komaeda.I am L/n Y/n."

You said looking down.You weren't much of the social type.And also having mildly anxiety wasn't the best of yourself.
You constantly were thinking why did he approached you so suddenly,unless you weren't really someone so special.Nor you were ever in the news of magazines.You were most likely a regular human being.Yet you do remember no one really isn't that much fascinated to talk to you. Unless you greet them by yourself. Yet this was definitely something new. Still you didn't had a too good feeling about it.

"Hey are you okay?"

"Uh y-yes.Sorry I was just thinking."you said out nervously.

He looked through me..It kind of made me feel a bit unsafe as if he is thinking that I am kind of a bad person.I sighed wondering how this day will go.

•《Hello and welcome lol.This is one of ugh my scraps.Yes this a scrap which I've written this Way back in November 2021.I never thought post it cuz I feel like it was bad.But I really wanted people's opinion so I can improve if I ever write again.So I hope you enjoyed and if not then I am sorry I didn't mean to waste your time.If ya want another part then sure I will try.Anyways Tysm.❤》•

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2022 ⏰

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