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A YOUNG GIRL RIDES ON A BIKE DOWN A SUBURBAN STREET, her red hair dyed blue at the tips flys behind her in the wind. She's young but already has a weary look on her eyes. Already seen too much already despite her young age.

She glances round with a smile on her face as she cycled towards home. The sun is out shining down on her skin. As she passes by a house three children glance up from where they play on a tire swing and wave in greeting.

"Why the fuck are we seeing this." John spoke glancing around at his family. An agitated expression on his face. "I thought this was about someone we know?"

The others share his feelings, still holding suspicions about a trap. Thomas frowns he can't help feeling different. This wouldn't be being shown unless it was important. The main question was why it was important. And how could it be related to them.

Three young children play by a swing made out of a tire, two boys and one girl. The girls shouts out as she cycles past. "Hey, Nat!"

The boy looks over again at the sound of her name waving happily to her.

She smiles back but continues on her way. Today there isn't time to play. She soon passes the house continuing down the street. Turning down a driveway she continues cycling to a forest lane. The girl slows to a stop at a playground hidden in an open space in the woods.

She lets out a whistle as she walks nearer smiling when there is a joint whistle back.

A young girl is seen doing a crab, her blonde hair hangs around her face but she smiles seeing her older sister.

The older girl smiles back running over quickly dropping down into one opposite her younger sister.

Another young girl sits away from them on top of a wooden playground staring up at the sky. A calm look upon her face making her look older than she should. She's young only about six, with long ginger hair that drifts slightly in the breeze.

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