The Temple

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Anakin, Korra, and everyone else reached the entrance to the Air Temple after a minute of flying on their air bison, Anakin looked around the place, observing and absorbing everything that was there.

Anakin:  this place looks... peaceful...

Korra: Just wait till you meet Meelo and Ikki... you'll change your mind instantly.

Anakin: who?

Korra: Tenzin's kids...

Anakin: right...

just then, three kids on air sphere cycle... things... came hurtling towards Anakin, almost bumping into him. He reacted by making a seemingly HUGE front flip in the air and landing on the other side. This caused the kids to stop and land, while a small one, in robes, just stared at him in awe.


Anakin: Lots of training kid.

Meelo: Can you teach me!? he was CLEARLY excited.

Anakin: It takes a long time to learn that kind of stunt, as in, several years

Meelo: oh... he then frowned... filled with disappointment...

Anakin: I'm assuming you all are... Meelo, Ikki, and... who are you?

Jinora: Im Jinora! Who are you?

Anakin: My name is Anakin Skywalker... you're master Tenzin's kids, right?

Jinora: Yeah! Do you want to meet him?

Anakin: yeah.

Korra: Alright... let's show you around!

small time skip to inside the temple as chibi Meelo and chibi Ikki show chibi Anakin around and somehow got into an argument as Anakin slowly walks away from the chaos.

Anakin: This is quite similar to the older Jedi temples...

Korra: Jedi?

Anakin: Right... you don't know... a Jedi is a sort of knight that keeps and maintains order within the galaxy, they us-

Bolin: Galaxy?

Anakin: err... A galaxy is a huge collection of planets and stars.

Bolin: o-oh... invisible confusion.

Anakin: So, your race hasn't started space-faring?

Korra: Woah-Woah... hold on... are you from space?

Anakin: Technically... yes.

Mako: c'mon, that's clearly a lie! Then Explain why you look so similar to us, humans?

Anakin: Parallel evolution, if there are similar environments, similar organisms could evolve.

Asami raised a finger, as if to argue, but held it and waited.

Asami: That... almost makes sense...

Anakin: yeah... but do you have a spaceport?

Asami: Is that like a harbor, but for... whatever vehicles you use instead?

Anakin: pretty much.

Asami: Can you describe some of them?

Anakin: Well, there are the S-standard transport capsules, the Home One, and... there's a lot more

Asami: Can you show me what they look like sometimes? I think we can work together on this an-

Mako: I'll be there too... he was glaring at Anakin, assuming he's trying to make some moves on her.

Anakin: Are you interested in engineering too?

Mako: No... im just gonna watch.

Anakin: 'kay...

Pema walked into where they were talking, and noticed Anakin!

Pema: Oh! I was just looking for you all! she looked at Anakin and eyed him up and down, who's our guest here?

Anakin: My name's Anakin Skywalker, what's yours?

Pema: You can just call me Pema. Oh! Lunch is ready! But I need a bit more time to cook for our new guest.

Anakin: It's alright. Take your time.

Pema: phew... thanks! she went back to the kitchen, to prepare food for the unannounced guest.

Korra: Let's sit down and talk, you have a lot to tell us, especially since... you know...

Meelo: Yeah!

Anakin: sure!

they walked into the room and sat down, Anakin once again observed the room, a little empty, but efficient and homely.

Asami: I guess you should start from the beginning, your name, where you are from, about your family friends?

Anakin: right...

Anakin took several minutes to explain Tatooine and the concept of other planets, the Jedi knights, the federation, the sith, and their seige on Aldeeran, basically, the entire prequel trilogy.

afterward, everyone was just trying to sink down everything he said, shocked and kind of surprised about Anakin, his world more-so.

Asami: so... our planet, Earth, is just one out of, what, several thousand?

Anakin: Trillions, actually, with possibly several thousand being made every day.

Asami: And that there are different types of life on them? 

Anakin: Pretty much.

Jinora: But, can you explain the difference between Bending and... The Force?

Anakin: Excellent question... uh... well, your bending uses certain movements of the body or sheer will to manipulate certain elements, but only those elements which are attributed to you. The Force is a sort of energy that resides in all living beings, it surrounds us, penetrates through us, and binds the galaxy together. Jedi, and sith, are people who are able to manipulate this energy using their minds and body. Like Bending, it uses a reserve of energy deep within. 

he took in another deep breath, after half of his explanation.

Anakin: The only MAJOR difference between the two is that with The Force, you can manipulate ANYTHING, not just an element, any material. At times, you can use the force to traverse through one's mind, look into the future, shoot lightning out of your fingertips, and many other things.

Jinora: So... you can bend non-bendable elements?

Anakin: Although I don't "bend" them, yes, I can.

Korra: That's... an incredible power...

Anakin: Yes... but with great power, comes responsibility. Some, however, aren't so responsible

Mako: So, they are... the sith you mentioned earlier?

Anakin: Correct answer.

Mako: So what's the difference between a Jedi and a sith?

Anakin: A Jedi, fight for peace, order, and balance in the Galaxy. A sith use the force but they fuel it on hate, passion, and greed. They use the Dark Side of The Force.

Korra: Dark side?

he sighs as he begins another lecture on the Force and the Sith.

time skip after several LONG ARSE minutes...

Anakin: he breathes in heavily... any questions?

Meelo: when will I be able to read people's minds?

Anakin: did you just not listen to m-?


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2021 ⏰

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