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"Grrrr~"Ohh, its my stomach craving for food. I should have a breakfast this morning . Its lunch time now .. i should eat right now before my stomach sound like a monster .
So, I went to the canteen and buy some food . And guess what ?! I saw Dongwoon !!! And his girlfriend ~~

Its a lunch time now .. Nana just now DM me that she will waited me at the canteen .. After I saw Nana , I kiss her cheeks like we always do EVERYTIME we met up . While I was talking to her ... i noticed that the girl I saw this morning were there too ! I dont know why I'm excited all of sudden . But she looks really gorgeous . She looks at me .. and im smiling to her with all my heart . She reply my smile too ~~

Did he smiling at me ? Did he ? Oh my goshhh~ my heart went pounding and doesnt want to stop . I cant miss this oppurtunity and smiling back at him . And i saw him chuckling alone . Thats was soo cute .

And then I noticed that Nana were looking at me . I just walking away from her . And sit far away from her .

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