Chapter 1.

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As I left Eve's house, my cell phone started ringing.
I took it out of my pocket and saw my best friend Hannah's face flash on the screen.
I pressed the green button and moved my cell phone to my ear.
On the other line I immediately heard great enthusiasm.
"Hey honey! How are you, what are you doing right now?"
Hannah has always been a very optimistic person.
Very rarely did you see her in a negative mood, and that felt good
- it was exactly what I needed.

"Hello. I'm fine! I'm on my way home, was at Eve's."
My enthusiasm was rather a long time coming.
I was always positive, but when it came to showing emotions, I always held back.
I liked to live in my own world.

After a short small talk, I was standing in front of my car and was about to say goodbye when Hannah interrupted me again briefly:
"Listen, Bee. I'm just getting ready for Tony's party. I can't do it alone. Would you come with me please??"
Tony was Hannah's almost-boyfriend. And despite some dates, Hannah apparently still hadn't overcome the panic of spending time with him alone.

I loved parties.

I loved meeting handsome men, having fun with them and not being able to remember them the next day.
I was always available for parties, no matter what mood I was in, which is why I didn't have to think long about my answer.

"Yes, of course! When do I have to be finished? And where do I have to go?"

Silence on the other end of the line.

"Um. You know what? I'll pick you up in two hours." And with that she hung up.

After a 5-minute drive, I was standing in front of my apartment.
I tried to hurry as best I could to have as much time as possible to choose clothes.
I was relatively picky when it came to clothes.
So I took a quick shower (if you can call 20 minutes fast ...) and blow-dried my hair.
I preferred to stay without make-up until I had decided on a dress.
Now I stood in front of my closet and looked perplexed at all the clothes that had accumulated in the past months and years.
After a desperate half an hour, all I had to do was choose between a purple and a black dress.
I tried both on, stood in front of the mirror for a while and finally decided on the black one.

I quickly did my make-up while my favorite music was playing out loud on my phone on Shuffle.
I lost myself dancing and hopping around when my ringtone came on.
My screen flickered and I saw the message that had just arrived from Hannah:
"I'm waiting for you outside"

After a quick mirror selfie for my Insta followers, I turned off the music, checked whether I had packed everything in my little bag and quickly left my apartment.
Hannah stood leaning against her car, grinning, and looked at me expectantly. I made a quick turn so she could admire my dress and then took quick steps towards her to give her a hug.

"You look absolutely gorgeous Hannah. Tony passes out when he sees you!"

I was right, she looked really great. With her dark blonde hair and the short, light blue dress she was wearing, she looked like an angel.

"Come on, we'll be late if we don't hurry now. Besides, I'm already blushing."

Hannah was actually blushing.
I grinned at her and then quickly sat down in the passenger seat so that we can finally drive off.
I showed her the post that I had just put online but tried not to distract her from driving too much.

"Yeah, that's great! You look hot, Bee."

I always needed Hannah's approval when it came to my presence on Instagram.
She definitely knew what looked good and what didn't.
I trusted her more than anyone else.

 I trusted her more than anyone else

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The drive didn't take long.
The house, (or rather the mansion) where the party was taking place, belonged to Tony.
Until now, I'd only seen him in photos Hannah showed me
- And he looked pretty good in them.

Hannah and I walked happily up the long driveway to the front door.
You could already hear the loud music and the crowd from outside the house. The front door was already open so we just stepped in to be greeted by a crowd.
The atmosphere was incredibly good and everyone was dancing.
A few minutes after we arrived, I had an alcoholic drink in my hand and was talking to people I had never met before.

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