A New Year, New Couple

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~A couple of months later~
No one's POV
These past couple of months had been a little hectic. Jin went to therapy after the trial not going so well, he usually had nightmares but he was doing better now. They got a lawsuit on Leo so he could stay away from Jin and if he did get near Jin, he could get arrested. Yoongi was still there, he convinces his boss that there was an emergency with family and he didn't know how long it would be so he allowed him to go, it was basically a break to Yoongi. Jin got his own apartment near to Namjoon's place and he got some roommates, Hoseok and Jungkook.

Jin was talking to Yoongi while they were getting some stuff for his new apartment. "So what else you need?" "Let's see..oh I do need a bed set, pillows and just some decorations, Hoseok, Jungkook and I were gonna come back for appliances we need." Yoongi nodded and they both continued walking and grabbing the things they needed, although a bunch of candy wasn't needed. "You know it's almost gonna be New Years Eve, it's gonna be tomorrow." "Oh yeah that's right! Oh and there's this hill where we can watch the fireworks! If you're still here of course." Yoongi nodded. "I won't go back until the week after New Years Eve." They both smiled and paid for what they got and started putting things in the car. They drove back to the apartment complex and starting taking everything up to the floor Jin's apartment was on. "You just had to choose the 3rd floor Jin." "Hey it was good!!" Jin unlocked the door. "I'm back!!" "Hey Jin!" "I'm gonna take all the stuff up." Yoongi grabbed some bags and went to Jin's room to take them out. Hoseok pulled Jin into the kitchen and Jungkook was already there. "Jin when are you gonna ask him the question?" "What do you mean?" Jin looked at them. "You know! To ask him out!" Jin looked at Jungkook. "Woah guys you have it wrong, he's a really close friend of mine." Hoseok and Jungkook looked at each other. "Jin, you blush when we talk about him and when he's here, he always admired you when you're not looking." Hoseok looked at me. Jungkook added in, "Yeah, so please do us and yourself a favor, get that D!" "Jungkook!!" They both started laughing. "I don't think I'll survive with you two." "Oh trust us Jin" Hoseok patted Jin's shoulder. "You'll survive with us." They all laughed a bit.

Yoongi finally came back downstairs. "Hey guys, what were you guys talking about?" "Oh nothing..." They were trying not to laugh. "Okay? Well I'm gonna go but I'll see you tomorrow Jin!" "Okay bye!" Yoongi left and Jin closed the door. "JIN! Just say you like him!!" "It's not simple! What if he's dating someone where he lives and isn't telling me?!" Hoseok just gave him the "really" look. "Jin he told all of us he was single." "Oh. What if he's secretly married!?" Jungkook groaned. "Geez Jin you overthink a lot, he's not married and he's single, like I said get that D!!"

~The next day~

Jin was waiting for Yoongi to pick him up, they were gonna get some snacks, Jin already had a blanket, they were basically gonna have a night picnic to see the fireworks once it strikes midnight. Jin saw Yoongi's car pull up and he got in. "Hey Yoongi!" Jin smiled. "Hey Jin, you ready to go get snacks?" He nodded and Yoongi drove off to the store. "So your roommates didn't want to go?" "No they said they had other things they were going to, I think it's a complete lie though." "Probably." Yoongi got into the parking lot and found a part right in front of the store so he parked there. They both got out and went inside. "So what snacks should we get?" They were looking at all the candies. "Hmmm...let's get some of these and these!!" Jin started to grab a bunch of candy. "Jin, that's a lot of candy. Specifically the cherry flavored candies." Jin looked in the basket. "It's never enough!" He smiled and they grabbed some sodas, paid and drove to the park. They got out and Jin quickly ran to the spot they wanted before anyone else could take it and laid out the blanket and helped Yoongi set the picnic basket that had sandwiches, fruit and water in case they get tired of soda.

They had been messing around, eating and playing with some sparklers every once in awhile. It was 11:57, they were sitting on the blanket waiting until it's finally midnight to see all the fireworks. "Hey Jin I need to tell you something." "Hm? What's wrong?" Yoongi looked at the time, 11:58. "Well, how do I start...I met you and we talked a lot you know? And then I came down talked to you more and I just...admired you I guess." 11:59. "I....I ummm...gosh why is it so hard to say?" Jin was looking at him. Yoongi looked back at him and sighed. "Okay fuck it." "What-" Before Jin could finish what he could say, Yoongi held both of his hands, pulled him close and kissed him. Jin processed what happened and started to kiss back. Everyone was too busy saying happy New Years, everyone watching the fireworks. Yoongi broke the kiss and just admired Jin. "I really like you Jin." Jin smiled a bit. "I don't think just one kiss made it obvious." Yoongi smiled and Jin closed the gap between them both again. Namjoon, Taehyung, Jungkook and Hoseok were watching and Namjoon was really happy for Jin.

Jin broke the kiss and smiled at Yoongi before hugging him. "YES JIN!!" They both looked to where it came from. "Really Jungkook?!" They all started laughing and they all went home after the firework show was done. Everyone was hanging out but almost everyone left, or fell asleep. Jin and Yoongi were in Jin's room cuddling and watching YouTube on Yoongi's phone. Yoongi would kiss Jin's forehead every once in awhile while watching the video. "Yoongi?" He looked down at Jin. "Yes?" "Does this mean we're together?" Yoongi chuckled a bit and smiled. "Yes Jin we are together now." "Ohhh okay!" Jin snuggled closer to him, until he started falling asleep. Yoongi saw this and decided to put his phone away and fall asleep as well.

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