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~3 months later~
Jin's POV
I was pacing back and forth inside my new restaurant, I was extremely nervous since there were news reporters and also many people to come in and enjoy the food for the first time. "Jin you ready?" I looked at Yoongi. "Y-yeah I'm just...nervous." I sighed. "Listen Jin, you got this, you're gonna say the announcement and cut the giant ribbon. Your dream is finally coming true!" Yoongi smiled and pulled me in a hug. "Okay, thanks Yoongi." Namjoon walked in with Hoseok. "You ready Jin?" I nodded and smiled a bit. "Let's go!" We all walked outside and I stood at a podium and took a deep breathe and tapped the mic.

No one's POV
"Umm, hello! My name is Jin and I'm glad everyone could make it to the opening of my new restaurant!" Some people started clapping and died down after a bit. "This place is where food is affordable, still delicious and just a place where you can enjoy spending time with family and friends as well. So now I think it's time to cut the ribbon?" Namjoon nodded and gave Jin some gold scissors and he cut the ribbon, everyone started cheering. Soon enough Jin let them all in, hosts and hostess were taking people to their tables and Jin was watching everything happen. His big dream finally came true, opening up a restaurant. All the hard work, the sudden problems that happened, he can now say he achieved his goal.

He saw everyone with such happy smiles, enjoying the meals since the chefs he hired can cook quick, still making sure they are the greatest meals you can taste, at an affordable price. "You happy Jin?" "More than happy Yoongi." He hugged onto him and Hoseok and Namjoon hugged Jin as well.

~Later on at night~

Everyone was hanging out in the kitchen, having their own little celebration of Jin's restaurant opening. "Wait so let me get this straight, Namjoon finally felt the baby kick and he freaked out and fell off the bed?" Hoseok nodded. "He got a cut on his forehead from it!" He pointed to the little cut. "I didn't know that was gonna happen!" Yoongi and Jin started laughing at him. "Oh my gosh Namjoon I never expected you to be that bad!" Jin drank some water and calmed down from laughing. "You know I will never let this down." "Yeah I know!" Jin looked at Hoseok. "How are you doing though?" "Uhh I've been okay, we had a doctors appointment last week and Namjoon always looks so amazed when we see the baby." "I mean that's Namjoon for you. Let me see your baby bump!!" Jin smiled. "I knew you were gonna ask, I don't really have a bump yet Jin." "Awww." He leaned into his chair and held Yoongi's hand. "I feel like Jin is tipsy." "I mean he did drink a little past his drink limit."

Jin was more talkative so they guess he was definetly tipsy or drunk. "I just took a video of him talking the entire time." Namjoon whispered to Yoongi and they both started laughing. "What? What are you guys laughing about?" They looked at Jin. "Oh don't worry it's nothing." Hoseok was sleepy so Namjoon picked him up. "I'm gonna take him to bed, I'll see you two later!" "Yeah I think it's time Jin falls asleep as well." "What? No I'm not tired!" "Sh! Yes you are!" Yoongi picked Jin up and took him into his room and laid him down, of course he cuddled him and they both fell asleep quickly.

~A couple of days later~

Jin was helping cook, more like cutting ingredients since he had nothing else to do. After awhile he decided to leave after making sure everything was okay with customers, and making sure the employees are doing great and left, he had walked since it was nice weather. He was looking around until he got pulled in somewhere and he struggled against someone. "Stop struggling!" The stranger punched Jin and he fell to the ground. Jin couldn't exactly get up, his vision was blurred and was going black on and off so he tried crawling to the entrance until he was pulled back. "Leo said you were a fighter! Didn't expect this much of a fighter." He kicked him in the stomach and he yelled in pain and for some reason, no one heard Jin yelling. "Great now I'm gonna have to cover your mouth." The stranger grabbed tape and covered his mouth and tied his arms and legs together. "Now let's start the fun!" Jin was trying to scream for help and was crying when the stranger started kicking and punching him. After a good while he stopped and ran away, leaving Jin in the alleyway beaten up almost half to death.

Namjoon and Hoseok were walking around after Hoseok wanted some good ice cream at an ice cream parlor and they were walking around while they both enjoyed ice cream. The both walked in front of an alleyway when someone ran out and bumped into Namjoon. "Hey watch it!!" He looked at the guy running and felt off about it. "Hey let's check something real quick." They both walked in and heard someone struggling. "Hoseok get your phone out just in case and stay right here!" "What? No I should go with-" "babe just please stay right here!" Namjoon walked up and his eyes widen. "Holy shit Jin! Hoseok call an ambulance!!" He ran to his side and quickly took the tape off his mouth. "N-No no no no!!" "Jin it's okay! It's me Namjoon your best friend!" He quickly untied the ropes and held Jin close. "H-He knew him Joon h-he knew him!" "Knew who Jin?" Jin was crying and was on the verge of passing out. "H-he....he knew L-Leo..." Finally Jin passed out and the ambulance just arrived. Paramedics took Jin in and drove to the hospital, Hoseok and Namjoon quickly got home and drove to the hospital and they called Yoongi.

"Hello?" "Yoongi! Get to the hospital right now!" "What's wrong?" "It's Jin! Leo sent someone to possibly kill him but they beat him up really bad, worse than what he did the first time." "I'm on my way!" He ended the call and they quickly went inside. "Did they bring in SeokJin in?!" "He was taken into the emergency room, you may have to wait awhile." Namjoon sighed and sat down. "Jin will be okay." Yoongi ran in and went to Namjoon. "Have they said anything!?" He shook his head. "He barely got into the ER. Might be a bit before we hear anything." They were all sitting in the front, Hoseok already asleep while Namjoon and Yoongi stayed up.

After a couple of hours the doctor took them to Jin's room but stopped them when they were about to enter. "I know you want to see him right away I am warning, he's still very skittish right now, so please stay calm around him." They all nodded and Yoongi sat next to Jin and smiled softly. "Hey baby, how are you feeling?" He stayed quiet and hugged onto Yoongi tightly. "I-I thought I could be away from him...not have to worry about hiding from him, it's too much to dream I guess." "Shh it's okay Jin." He kissed his forehead and Yoongi left the room and Hoseok took his chair and talked to Jin, keeping his company while Namjoon followed Yoongi. "Yoongi being mad about this isn't gonna help anything." "That fucking bastard sent someone out to hurt Jin! No I swear if I ever see him I am beating him up or worse!" Yoongi sat down in the chair and was shaking his leg. "I know, I'm angry about this too but we can't lash out okay? Jin needs us, he needs you the most."

Yoongi went back in and sat on the other side of Jin. "Sleepy?" He nodded and rubbed his eyes. "Okay, get some rest, I am staying right by your side. Got it?" He was running his hand through Jin's hair and he quickly fell asleep, the others had already left and Yoongi stayed behind.

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