Chapter 23: The Peculiar Wizard Ben Sullivan

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For as long as he could remember, he yearned to be in the spotlight, the sole focus of everyone around him. So much effort was dedicated to such a fruitless claim, and after some time he wound up accepting the fact that his desires would never become reality. Yet now, his goal now was the complete opposite.

At this very moment, Markl was initiating the utmost secrecy - which was an entirely impossible task given that a certain birthday boy was fully alert at the most ungodly hour of the night.

The hallway light illuminated the space as Morgan stared wide awake at Markl's failed attempt at sneaking out. "What are you doing up so early?"

Markl immediately turned off the lights from the nearest switch. He raised a stern finger to his lips and shushed him. "Be quiet. Do you want to wake them up?"

Morgan immediately grinned. "Are we playing hide and seek from Mom and Dad?"

He thought that was a good enough lie, but knew Morgan couldn't keep a game of hide and seek as long as Markl had planned on being gone. To be honest, he hadn't truly created a timeframe for his absence just yet. Nothing could change the fact that he was caught though, and he needed to be extra convincing if Morgan was going to play in on this secret.

"No, Morgan," he said, slowly bending to one knee to reach his height, "I have something important I need to take care of right now. It might take me a while, so you won't see me for some time."

"How long will you be gone?"

Markl sighed. "I honestly don't know. But I need this to be our little secret, okay? Don't go telling anyone that you saw me." Of all whom he was leaving behind, Morgan was the one he would miss the most. Though he didn't quite understand it, Markl had grown the closest to the young magician boy.

Morgan nodded, his smile faded into a dismal visage. He wasn't quite frowning, but the sadness was very apparent. The young boy slumped back to his room, the desire for sleep strangely affecting him now at this late hour of the night. This would be one of the first nights he slept during the darkness.

He hoped the stars would forgive him for not answering their sweet conversations.

When Morgan turned around, hoping to catch a nonchalant smile or a playful nod from his older brother, Markl was nowhere to be seen. Only a small breeze flowed from where he previously stood.

✧ ・゚: * ✧ ・゚: * ✧ ・゚: * ✧ ・゚: * ✧ ・゚: * ✧ ・゚: * ✧

Howl had never before mentioned a wizard by the name of Ben Sullivan. In fact, the only magicians he ever talked about were his close friends or their most heinous rivals. This unfamiliar name dropped like a weight in the room of those who were uneasy about what else might unfold.

However, this wizard was not so foreign to some in the Pendragon household. Lona sat with a straightened back, clutching her baby daughter with a tight grip. "B-Ben Sullivan? You mean Madame Suliman's oldest apprentice?"

Howl bore a curious look toward Lona. "Yes, I'm surprised you knew that. Looks like Kenta has shared a lot more with you than I thought."

"I've never heard of the man." Calcifer said, and Sophie nodded in agreement. After releasing Morgan to rejoin his friends in the backyard, the adults rebooted their discussion. While the curiosity surrounding their son's wealth of knowledge had not diminished entirely, there was only so much that a boy his age and experience could provide.

Now, she held a high interest in this new, peculiar wizard, and all that he could offer.

"I was really hoping it wouldn't come to this." Howl said with a tepid tone, "Ben and I have a rather... interesting relationship."

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