Happy New Years

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-modern au

Request by: gay__panicc

Thank you!


"A party? For New Years? Seriously?"

The pale boy was complaining about a party that Alluka was gonna host at their shared home.

"Yes! We have to celebrate a new year!"

"We didn't do this last year!"

"Cause I was 17!"


(If Alluka is 18 how old is Killua? I'm too lazy to do the math.)

Killua sighed and rolled his eyes.




"Of course.."

"We are NOT gonna let Milluki(?) come. He's gonna eat all the food! Like he did for your birthday.."

"Oh that's fine. I wasn't planning on it."

The albino nodded and left without saying a word.


Killua was currently sitting in his room, on the floor, deciding whether or not to go to the party. He didn't mind parties but he didn't like all the music. And there were some creeps.

The music was horrible. Like, rock? Seriously?

(No hate to all the rock lovers)

The people singing were literally screaming random words. He could sing better.

But he isn't going to.

He sighed for the 100th time, making his decision. He was gonna go. He needs a break. And maybe a boyfriend.


Illumi was out buying a bunch of drinks. Wine, alcohol, beer, vodka, and more. Killua didn't even think they need all that. He didn't even know that those were different things.

(Neither do I)

"How many people are coming, Alluka??"

"Hmm not sure. Maybe 100? It's not that much."

Not that much?!

Killua decided against arguing with Alluka. She was stubborn. So was he but that's besides the point.

Alluka was calling her millions of friends and telling them to call their friends. She was even inviting everyone in their neighborhood! They didn't know a single person there.

Killua was gonna have a headache. He could not put up with so many people. And the smell. Oh imagine the smell.

People were gonna be making out, having sex, spilling shit, and everything horrible you can imagine.

Oh my god..


People were arriving. Way too early. Alluka and Killua decided to lock most of the rooms except the bathrooms. They can fuck in the bathroom.

(Yes they rich rich)

Once mostly(hopefully) everyone arrived, Killua just got on his phone and played some games. He looked up for second, as he thought he heard his name being called. No one called his name.

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