Like a Slut.

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Alyson numbly picked herself up from the floor and wiped away the stale tears that were on her face. She needed to get to her mother before it was too late and to accomplish that, she needed a plan and she had one in mind.

If they wanted her here and she didn’t want to stay, she just had to make them want her to leave, so she could go back to her normal life. She needed to make an impression and not a good one at that.

Alyson looked down at herself, she was still wearing her favourite pair of jeans, t-shirt and her lucky necklace which didn’t turn out to be so lucky after all.

She spotted a wardrobe at the far end of the room and walked towards it thinking it was worth a shot. She opened the pine doors to reveal plenty of t-shirts, jeans, underwear and even shoes. It fazed Alyson why Blake even had girl clothes in his room, it made Alyson feel jealous but obviously she wouldn’t admit that to herself.

She browsed through the stacks of clothes and pretty much all of them were in her interest but she didn’t want to stick to her style. She needed something loud and reckless so that they would regret the decision to keep her here against her will.

She picked up some demin short shorts and despite her efforts to change her mind about the piece of fabric in her hands that would barely cover her butt, she couldn’t, she was desperate to get home and she would do anything to achieve that.  

She picked up a tank top and cringed, she felt like one of the slutty populars back at home but chucked over onto the bed anyway.

Alyson quickly got changed but not before double checking under the bed, every corner of the room and in the closet for cameras spying on her. Even when she was sure that people couldn’t watch her she still crept into the bathroom and changed there, with the door locked.

She came out of the room and looked at herself in the mirror. She already felt exposed as hell with most of her thighs on show without looking at herself in the mirror and when she did, she couldn’t help but pull the shorts down a tad.

She picked up a brush and quickly brushed it through her hair letting her blonde silky hair flow past her shoulders.

 She sighed silently praying to whatever god was listening to her that was listening to her that this plan would work and with one last painful look at herself, she grabbed some heels and walked out the door.

As soon as she walked out the door she regretted it. She was met with the man she hated the most in her life at this moment, Blake.

Blake gawked at her as he looked her up and down in interest but that soon faded when the thought of her thighs and half of her stomach on show to other males.

They locked eyes and Blake growled in anger, he knew what she was playing at and he refused to let her get away with it.

He grabbed Alyson’s upper arm forcefully and dragged her back into her room. He chucked her onto the bed as Alyson didn’t even try to break free of his violent hold on her.

She watched terrified as he slammed the door and stormed over to the wardrobe. They didn’t speak as Blake rummaged in rage through the clothes and faced Alyson again but this time with a pair of jeans and a t-shirt clutched in his fist.  

“Put these on,” He said chucking the clothes at her in disgust. Alyson looked away ashamed of herself, she knew she shouldn’t have dressed the way she had and she didn’t know what she was thinking.

“NOW!” Blake roared causing Alyson to jump in fright.  He threw the clothes at her and she grabbed them quickly before scurrying away into the bathroom.

Alyson shut the door to the bathroom only for her then to slide down it with tears streaming down her face.

She hated it when anyone shouted at her, it reminded her of the time when she had overheard her mom and dad fighting which ended up with Alyson’s mom being thrown to the floor by her dad.

She loved her father so much that she decided to forgave him and the other 10 times he had done it. Deep down she knew her father had no excuse to do that to her mother but he still didn’t deserve to die.

The way Blake shouted at her didn’t just make her scared it made her terrified, he had so much authority in his voice that even though Alyson hated to admit it to herself, she couldn’t help but want never to end up like her mother. Maybe that was the reason she kept fighting to go home and that’s why she had to keep fighting.

She picked herself off of the floor, wiped the tears away from her face and walked out of the room with the jumper and jeans still in her hands.

Blake looked up as Alyson came out still wearing her slutty shorts and tank top. He ran a hand through his hair and a growl rippled through his body. He was angry at the fact that not only had she defined him but the fact that she choice to wear that sort of clothing.

Alyson stood her ground and looked hard into his furious eyes. “Why are you still dressed like that?” He shouted, he refused to let his mate be one of those whores that ended up rejected by their mate and he sure as hell refused to let Alyson hurt his pack by disrespecting her soon position as Luna.

“Like what?” Alyson challenged tapping into her bottled up anger and trust me she had a lot of it.  She remembered all the names, all the poking and prodding that the so called cool kids would do to her and all the times she cried herself to sleep and night and refused to come into school because she couldn’t bare the torture they put her through.

It made her so angry that she couldn’t defend herself because she was too scared and that other kids would just watch, thanking it wasn’t them. It made herself feel weak, something she knew she wasn’t.

“Like a slut,” Blake shouted letting the harsh remark pass his lips. Alyson flinched away at the word as she tried to cover the hurt that was clear in her eyes.

“If you don’t like it, then send me home,” She shouted glaring at Blake like she could burn holes into his so perfect body.

Blake clenched his fists and kicked the air trying to clam himself down, but all his worries were getting to him and he didn’t need Alyson’s choice of style added to his list. “You’re not going anywhere,” Blake told her firmly looking deep into her blue eyes.

Alyson groaned frustrated feeling as if she was getting nowhere with this. “Why? Why do you want me here so badly?” She asked. Blake shook his head, she wasn’t getting it and she needed to.

“Because your my mate and like it or not, you will soon be Luna of this pack,” He explained calmly to Alyson who still wasn’t having any of it.

“Which I didn’t ask for and if I have no choice to stay why do you care so much about how I dress?” Alyson shouted back and Blake just shook his head.

“Look, I don’t know you, heck, I don’t even know your name but I do know one thing, you are nothing like those fake bitches that make Barbie look real,” Alyson looked at him speechless. He hadn’t argued back like she had expected him to, he hadn’t lost his temper and added another dent into the wall, he didn’t want her like those other girls, all the guys wanted. He just wanted her the way she was.

“Can I show you something?” He asked cautiously deciding it was time to show Alyson why the biggest reason was that she stayed and proceed to be Luna. They looked deep into each other’s eyes and after a moment silence, Alyson slowly nodded.

“I’m going to go and change,” She told him making Blake smile. Alyson couldn’t help but admire his handsome face. Happy looked good on him, it was almost like he hadn’t smiled in years.

Alyson headed back into the bathroom but before shutting the door she looked up into his eyes. “My name is Alyson,” She said and with that she closed the door. 

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